Ask me any question.

are you gay?

does your family know your gay?

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

As much as his calorie intake permits.

Do you know what your own cum taste like

Nope. Nor do I know what any semen tastes like.

how many keys does The Zorin actually have?

Looks to be about 8.

If you were a sheep... would you fuck another sheep?

Hard. And without warning.

If you were gay would you pitch or catch?

Is jokerrob an alcoholic?

I would assume I'd do both if I were gay, unless I was Gay and Greedy. Gayreedy.

I don't know Joker, but it also depends on how you define alcoholic. I don't believe alcoholism is a disease, but a habit addiction not unlike any other habit addiction. That I'm well on my way too.
I don't know Joker, but it also depends on how you define alcoholic. I don't believe alcoholism is a disease, but a habit addiction not unlike any other habit addiction. That I'm well on my way too.

That was a trick question. Your suppose to say no Alcoholics go to meetings :D
Why are MMO developers constantly trying to reinvent the wheel and why are they not thinking outside the standard box so to speak?

How do people enjoy an MMO like WoW when all it seems to be is pointless gear grinding and the combat system is slow and boring.

If SWGEmu ever makes it do you think there will be atleast one non-corrupted server and would you play on it?

Is it just me or are games in general declining in innovation and fun factor?

What games are you looking forward to?

Are you a computer or console gamer or both?

Mouse and Keyboard or controller?

Have you ever laughed so hard that chocolate milk went out your nose?

What did you do on July 4th and did you have fun? :P

Why the fuck does my AC keep blowing my circuit when its the only thing running on it?

How long do you think this thread will continue?

Do you believe in the afterlife?

Do you believe in ghosts?
- Have you ever seen a ghost?

Do you think supernatural powers exist?

Do you like ice cream?

Ok outta questions for now. lol