Why are MMO developers constantly trying to reinvent the wheel and why are they not thinking outside the standard box so to speak?
It's all about business.
How do people enjoy an MMO like WoW when all it seems to be is pointless gear grinding and the combat system is slow and boring.
Because most people don't look at the big picture. They get small amounts of satisfaction from slight increases in their character, gear, what have you. And considering the high from that satisfaction dies off quickly, they have to keep grinding to get that same feeling again. Why do you think so many people start new characters after they hit 70? Because they're no longer working towards those levels. It's the anticipation of getting an item, level, whatever that keeps people around, actually having everything loses customers.
As far as the combat system goes, it's just up to people's opinion.
If SWGEmu ever makes it do you think there will be atleast one non-corrupted server and would you play on it?
I would absolutely love to, but I've made a vow to never play a MMO ever again, and I just don't have enough time for the game. Anyone who knew me in that game or others know I have to strive to be the best, and it just takes up an ungodly amount of time.
Is it just me or are games in general declining in innovation and fun factor?
It's not just you. It's the truth. Too much stock is put into dumbing down the games now that your average gamer is getting worse at gaming in general, and the age spread of the average gamer is growing.
What games are you looking forward to?
None really.
Are you a computer or console gamer or both?
The only game I play currently is Halo 3, because it has the most competition and you don't have to throw hours and hours into it like most other games I was good at. I'm naturally good at the first person shooters, Halo 1 in particular, so I stick with what I'm good at. Unlike most people, I don't have fun with games if I'm bad at them. Which is why in the past decade I've only played probably 6 games, but some of them religiously.
Mouse and Keyboard or controller?
Just depends on the game. Obviously the mouse and keyboard has more of a finesse to it, so I would choose that.
Have you ever laughed so hard that chocolate milk went out your nose?
Not chocolate milk, but beer lots of times.
What did you do on July 4th and did you have fun?
I made a bunch of sparkler bombs and molotov cocktails. Got really drunk with a lot of my friends and lit artillery shell fireworks and threw them like grenades. Was insanely dangerous and awesome.
Why the fuck does my AC keep blowing my circuit when its the only thing running on it?
Bad circuit?
How long do you think this thread will continue?
I thought it would be dead by now, but the longer it continues the more I feel like people give a shit about me, so I HOPE FOREVER.

Joking. But I would guess it could be awhile. People will probably end up asking more silly questions than serious ones, so it will eventually die down because they'll get tired of it.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
Not in the least.
Do you believe in ghosts?
- Have you ever seen a ghost?
Nope, not at all.
Annnnnnnnnd no.
Do you think supernatural powers exist?
No way. There's a reason the James Randi foundation put up a million dollar prize for anyone that could prove ANYTHING supernatural, and yet no one has ever claimed the prize.
I do know that some people have tricked themselves into believing they have powers, but most of the time it's just con artists and liars.
I'm actually a very strong activist against anything paranormal. I spend loads of time debunking and arguing against religion and ghosts and psychics etc. It's probably what could be considered my most time consuming hobby.
And trust me, I try to find things that are paranormal, and it's something I have been interested in since I was a little boy. But in my searches for the paranormal, god and the afterlife, the more and more I searched, and the more I saw, the more and more I realized it's all fake, and it's the amazing powers of the human mind to see what it wants to see and feel what it wants to feel. It is liberating though. Longer answer than you expected? Me too. That's what I'm talking about, when it comes to the supernatural or religion, I'm a rant machine.
It's not a particular favorite, but it's nice sometimes.
Ok outta questions for now. lol
Good ones!
Is curse a fucking motormouth?
Seems so, but I like it!