Ask me any question.

How can someone be filthy rich while another is dirt poor?

Have you ever worn a thong?

Have you ever injured yourself during sex?
Don't quit on me wanderhomies.

Okay, time to get more personal then, I guess.

  • Any tattoos? Where and when?
  • How many countries have you visited? Since you said you're not a virgin, had sex in a foreign land?
  • Since you are American, how many states have you visited?
  • How many languages can you speak?
  • Ever try sky diving (static, tandem, AFF), bunjee jumping, base jumping, etc?
  • Whitewater rafting? (what class rapids?, where?)
  • Been glade/cliff skiing/snowboarding?
  • Played any athletic sport in front of more than 100 people?
  • Performed any instrument/acted/sang/etc in front of more than 100 people?
  • How many books, for personal reasons (i.e. not for school, work, etc), have you read in the past 12 months?
  • Where is the next place (that you haven't been to already) you would like to visit?
  • Own/Fire a gun(s)? Favorite gun, if you have one?
  • Driven on a race track/course? Driven over 100mph (legally or illegally)?
  • Driven a vehicle that needs beyond a class D license (Semis, Motorcycles, etc)
  • What nationality is you/family? Ever think to visit their "birth" land?
  • Military service? Rank when you left? History in your family of service?
  • Current highest degree of education?
  • What girl/guy was your first fuck? Favorite fuck?
  • Sex with more than one girl? guy? Other people in the room?
  • Knock anyone up?
  • How long is your penis?
  • What is it's circumference?
  • Circumcised?
  • Anal? Given or Received?
I think that is good for a while...hope I didn't go too far. Keep in mind that you might have answered these already, didn't read the whole thread, but figured I give you some more interesting questions since the request was made. Though, I applaud your apparent honesty so far.
Okay, time to get more personal then, I guess.

  • Any tattoos? Where and when?
  • How many countries have you visited? Since you said you're not a virgin, had sex in a foreign land?
  • Since you are American, how many states have you visited?
  • How many languages can you speak?
  • Ever try sky diving (static, tandem, AFF), bunjee jumping, base jumping, etc?
  • Whitewater rafting? (what class rapids?, where?)
  • Been glade/cliff skiing/snowboarding?
  • Played any athletic sport in front of more than 100 people?
  • Performed any instrument/acted/sang/etc in front of more than 100 people?
  • How many books, for personal reasons (i.e. not for school, work, etc), have you read in the past 12 months?
  • Where is the next place (that you haven't been to already) you would like to visit?
  • Own/Fire a gun(s)? Favorite gun, if you have one?
  • Driven on a race track/course? Driven over 100mph (legally or illegally)?
  • Driven a vehicle that needs beyond a class D license (Semis, Motorcycles, etc)
  • What nationality is you/family? Ever think to visit their "birth" land?
  • Military service? Rank when you left? History in your family of service?
  • Current highest degree of education?
  • What girl/guy was your first fuck? Favorite fuck?
  • Sex with more than one girl? guy? Other people in the room?
  • Knock anyone up?
  • How long is your penis?
  • What is it's circumference?
  • Circumcised?
  • Anal? Given or Received?
I think that is good for a while...hope I didn't go too far. Keep in mind that you might have answered these already, didn't read the whole thread, but figured I give you some more interesting questions since the request was made. Though, I applaud your apparent honesty so far.

ooooooo he asked about your foreskin .. tsk tsk
How can someone be filthy rich while another is dirt poor?

Have you ever worn a thong?

Have you ever injured yourself during sex?

1. Many factors. Location, upbringing, intelligence, luck, motivation, etc.
2. lol no.
3. Yeah, but nothing beyond minor scrapes and bruises. :-P

do you believe in God, and why

Not in the least. I'm a 6.9 on the Dawkins scale to 7. :-P

The simple "why" is because I don't believe in imaginary things. And there isn't a single shred of evidence. Now people would probably say "well you must have faith"...but I don't have faith in unicorns. So why have faith in God? I was a Christian for 18 years, and I've been an Atheist for 5. It's not like I did it out of convenience, I've done a ridiculous amount of research and all signs point to no existence. Even the Bible or other Holy books can't hold up even to the slightest amount of scrutiny.

As for people who have faith without a distinct religion, I just don't understand that. That's basically saying that for some reason or another, you believe in a God without any motivation to do so except you're scared of dying.

Being a 6.9 on the 7 scale does mean though that I realize the possibility, it's just an insanely low chance.

And I've had my fair share of religious experiences, ones that would convince most people of a god, but I know enough about Psychology and people to realize that everything has an explanation, and most people who want something to be real usually convince themselves that it is.

Okay, time to get more personal then, I guess.
  • Any tattoos? Where and when?
  • How many countries have you visited? Since you said you're not a virgin, had sex in a foreign land?
  • Since you are American, how many states have you visited?
  • How many languages can you speak?
  • Ever try sky diving (static, tandem, AFF), bunjee jumping, base jumping, etc?
  • Whitewater rafting? (what class rapids?, where?)
  • Been glade/cliff skiing/snowboarding?
  • Played any athletic sport in front of more than 100 people?
  • Performed any instrument/acted/sang/etc in front of more than 100 people?
  • How many books, for personal reasons (i.e. not for school, work, etc), have you read in the past 12 months?
  • Where is the next place (that you haven't been to already) you would like to visit?
  • Own/Fire a gun(s)? Favorite gun, if you have one?
  • Driven on a race track/course? Driven over 100mph (legally or illegally)?
  • Driven a vehicle that needs beyond a class D license (Semis, Motorcycles, etc)
  • What nationality is you/family? Ever think to visit their "birth" land?
  • Military service? Rank when you left? History in your family of service?
  • Current highest degree of education?
  • What girl/guy was your first fuck? Favorite fuck?
  • Sex with more than one girl? guy? Other people in the room?
  • Knock anyone up?
  • How long is your penis?
  • What is it's circumference?
  • Circumcised?
  • Anal? Given or Received?
I think that is good for a while...hope I didn't go too far. Keep in mind that you might have answered these already, didn't read the whole thread, but figured I give you some more interesting questions since the request was made. Though, I applaud your apparent honesty so far.

Nothing in this thread is too far. I'm open to every question anyone asks. That's half the fun.

Ok, here we go.

1. No tattoos. And I doubt I'll ever get one, I can't think of anything so far in my life I wanna brand myself with.

2. I've only been in the U.S. sadly. :-( However, that is subject to change just in the next few years. My G/F of a long time is a British citizen, and we plan on doing quite a bit of traveling after school is over for both of us, including the possibility of moving to England.

3. As far as states go, I've been to quite a few. Everything East of the Miss. except a few, and Colorado. In 2 weeks I'm going to California.

4. I speak English, and a tiny bit of French and German. And I mean tiny. Like I can sometimes understand a general idea of what they're talking about, but can rarely reply.

5. No Skydiving. I'm not a fan of "death thrills". By that I mean things that make you feel like you're plunging to your death. :-P

6. Yes! Whitewater rafting is very fun, and I ended up being pretty good at it. I'm not sure what class rapids though...they were rough? :-P

7. Not exactly Cliff Skiing, but I am a decent skier and have gone numerous times.

8. Nope, no sports. I've played E-Sports in front of hundreds. :-P I was Semi-professional Halo 1 player. haha.

9. Yes, I used to play Piano and Trumpet. I can't play either now. :-P

10. Sadly I don't think I've read any books this year. Sad I know. Thing is, I love reading, so I don't know what my problem is.

11. I'm looking forward to California, New Zealand, and England. Probably be going to all of them in the next decade, and other places. My G/F has been to Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia in the last 7 months.

12. Yes, I own guns. I have 5. My favorite is the Army Issue 1962(maybe) Italian Beretta. I don't know if that's the official name or whatever, but it's sweet.

13. Illegally I've gone 115 in a Mustang. Not on a race track.

14. No Class D license stuff. :-P

15. We're mainly sicilian. I actually meet the terms of joining the Mafia if I kill someone. :-P And yes, I will be visiting Italy.

16. No Military.

17. I'm currently going into my 5th year of College at Ball State University.

18. My first was my friend's girlfriend. My favorite is my current girlfriend.

19. I've had one three-way with 2 girls, but no actual sex. And the first time I had sex 2 other people were in the room. The girl, and the girl's boyfriend. WEIRD HUH?! :-P

20. No pregnancies, some scares.

21. 6 3/4 inches. What guy doesn't know their own size exactly? :-P

22. Haven't measured, I guess "ample". At least average.

23. Yep.

24. Nope, no Anal received, no Anal given besides an occasional pinky. Very occasional. :-P

Much better questions all around. Follow up questions are fine as well. :-P
...the first time I had sex 2 other people were in the room. The girl, and the girl's boyfriend. WEIRD HUH?! :-P

Yes... a little. Altho my first time there were 3 other guys in the room. But, this thread is about you so...
Why was her BF in the room? And, was he enjoying it? Crying? Or about to kick your ass?

I also love the believing in unicorns comment too, but I'm too lazy to find it and quote you. I'd be more likely to put my faith in a unicorn. At least I know horses exist and that's a step in the right direction :D

And on that topic, have you watched animal porn?
Turtles grunt, fyi. Seen it at the zoo! Got video and pics. Hawt stuff.

Do you believe the cute little kitty?
would u fuck syntax-wrath if she appeared in front of u naked? why or why not...

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Do you believe the cute little kitty?


What's your favourite video game? Past and Present.

Halo 1. Always and Forever. Runners up would be Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 7, and Patch 9 SWG.

Yes... a little. Altho my first time there were 3 other guys in the room. But, this thread is about you so...
Why was her BF in the room? And, was he enjoying it? Crying? Or about to kick your ass?

And on that topic, have you watched animal porn?
Turtles grunt, fyi. Seen it at the zoo! Got video and pics. Hawt stuff.

Nah, her boyfriend is one of my best friends...we were just drunk. I didn't touch him, promise. :-P

I haven't watched animal porn, but I've seen animals have sex, as I think most people have haha.

would u fuck syntax-wrath if she appeared in front of u naked? why or why not...


Heh, no, I'm taken. :-)

ROFL, yeah, would you fuck a toon from a video game if it magically appeared 3-d in front of you?

Depends on the toon.

How about Jessica Rabbit? :D :lol:


I bet she has STDs
Nice answers, I have seen threads like this before, and normally the person isn't willing to answer the questions that they thought they would. I'll see if I can come up with another long list when I get a chance.
Nice answers, I have seen threads like this before, and normally the person isn't willing to answer the questions that they thought they would. I'll see if I can come up with another long list when I get a chance.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I guarantee that every answer I give in this thread will be 100% as honest as humanly possible. It's a test for myself in a lot of ways, to see how truthful to myself I am and also in general. The fact that I actually don't know any of you in real life makes it easier, but I'm a scientific guy and I realize why people act how they do and I'm not ashamed of my human nature. Plus it's just fun to answer questions. So keep em coming!

Honestly, ask me the most perverse and strange questions you can possibly come up with, and I'll answer the absolute truth as I know it.