Ask me any question.

I agree... I'm starting nursing school as soon as I get my residency back in Michigan. The demand is only going up! Thank gawd for old people and knocked up people! I'm very close to a business management degree which I'm going to switch up into a health admin degree. But, if that doesn't pan out... I hear the pool boy profession is in high demand too ;) True story!

And, since I put my opinions in here... I'll toss out some more questions:

Do you like shows where they make a babies mouth move and dub in voices? Or do you find it insanely creepy?

Do you use energy saving light bulbs?

What did you have to eat for the last 24 hours?

Have you ever thought you had an STD?

What was your favorite Halloween costume when you were a kid?

Have you ever been cleaning someone's swimming pool when the lady of the house showed up and molested you? If so, attach pics, tyvm.

Actually nursing is about the safest bet you could make. There is always a huge demand for nurses, even when the economy is tanking. If I run out of money, I no longer buy from businesses and I no longer go to a personal trainer. If I snap my thumb (again), I've no choice but to use a nurse's service.

What he said. :-P Except I will say that many people find nursing extremely stressful. Such as my aunt. She used to tell me all about it, which is why I guess I jumped to the conclusion that business was safer. Business is still way safe, but if the job market is like they say it is, just do whichever sounds more fun. (probably nursing)
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Do you like shows where they make a babies mouth move and dub in voices? Or do you find it insanely creepy?

I have no real opinion on it. I think it's weird that people do, haha. I guess it's like how some people hate clowns or whatever.

Do you use energy saving light bulbs?
Nah, I'm not very "green" in general. For one, I'm far from convinced about global warming, and I also believe that if Global Warming was currently happening, then it's not going to effect us anymore than it already has. I'm also a firm believer that recycling is in 90% of cases, useless or sometimes even more wasteful and hurtful to the environment. I mean, I may sound ignorant, but it's the exact opposite. It just seems to me, that when these things are researched, it's obvious that these environmental hysteria problems are blown way out of proportion.

What did you have to eat for the last 24 hours?
Yesterday I ate 4 slices of pizza, some chili mac, 10 shots of Raspberry Vodka, 2 Pitchers of beer. The alcohol was all in about a couple hours, ended up being an insaaaaaaane night. My friends and I got a little destructive and one guy stole a PICKET FENCE. There's a fence in my living room.

Have you ever thought you had an STD?
Yeah, I had a slight scare once, but it was just paranoia and I'm fine.

What was your favorite Halloween costume when you were a kid?
Of the like 14 or 15 years I went trick or treating, 10 of those years were as a vampire or dracula. I have extremely dark hair and pale skin, so it worked.

Have you ever been cleaning someone's swimming pool when the lady of the house showed up and molested you? If so, attach pics, tyvm.
No, but that's a nice thought. :-P
Bite me.

Literally, bite me. Get your ass in a car and come up north and bite me.

Up north, "eh?"... you a youper?! ;) I'm from Lapeer, near Flint. Went to CMU for college, then was living in Clarkston... and just moved to Arizona 3 years ago. Now heading back. I'll prob be around... Detroit's burbs.. ya that's it... Novi-ish perhaps. (I know exactly where... just trying to be vague) ^_^
Up north, "eh?"... you a youper?! ;) I'm from Lapeer, near Flint. Went to CMU for college, then was living in Clarkston... and just moved to Arizona 3 years ago. Now heading back. I'll prob be around... Detroit's burbs.. ya that's it... Novi-ish perhaps. (I know exactly where... just trying to be vague) ^_^
Ew, god no, not a yooper. I live in a tiny town a little north of Traverse City. I used to have an apartment in Novi quite some time ago. Decent enough place, though like most of the burbs, it amounts to nothing more than a huge expanse of mini-malls.