Ask me any question.

How do you propose we solve the food shortage that this country is likely to face, now that 500 million acres of farmland is under water in the Mid West ?

I'd probably go ahead and assume that we're NOT going to have a food shortage. I'd be extremely surprised if we did. It's pretty common for people to hype disasters a lot worse than they are. So I guess, My answer is, I don't think we'll have one.

And how the hell this thread has this many hits? :D


What is the most boring profession you could think of?

Profession? Anything in a factory, or anything that requires me to sit at a desk for the entirety of the job.

If you're talking about SWG, I'd say Dancer or Musician.

What would you add in a SW MMO that was not in the first one?

All the coding from SWG patch 9 so it's the same game. :-P

How long is forever?

Depends on the context in which it is used, by definition though it's eternity.

How many Wooks does it take to stomp all over some loud mouth Imperials?

Good to see you around Zo!!

Hey Sett'bacca! LOOOONG TIME! :-)

Are you a virgin? If not, have you ever cried during sex? and is your mother disappointed you defiled someones precious little girl?

No. No. No. Although the girl's moms might be mad. Who knows?

Who is more hilarious, Sam Kinison or stupid Dane Cook?

I don't know Sam, but I'm positive he's funnier than Dane Cook.
Why am I a "rebel"?

For some reason or another, through external influences in your reality or environment, something attracted your mind to the idea of being Rebel instead of Imperial. There could easily be genetic influences as well. It also depends on your imaginative and creative processes. If you find it more endearing to live a life you would want to live in this mythical universe, and are generally a good person, you would be more likely to choose rebel. If you're the type of person who wants to pretend to be bad, you'd choose imperial, even if it had no bearing in your reality. That's why some males don't mind playing females, but some guys can't stand it. It is strange though, how women have little preference.

Why was I born in Denmark?

When do they invent the teleport machine for real life?

The first question is tough, because it all depends on how you define "I". Are you your body? Are you your genetics? Are you your consciousness? All in all though, YOU weren't necessarily born in Denmark. I only say this because most people define themselves as how they've grown personality wise.

If you wanna be purely technical, it's because that's where your parents decided to birth you after having, probably a ton, of crazy sex. This would be the case if you defined everything in your being as just where your body is. Which is probably what I would think. So you were born in Denmark because of your parents choices and the coincidence that they met, and the particular sperm that carried your traits happen to win the race.

I'm not sure what you mean by "real life", but there are a few time / inter-dimensional machines in the making. Obviously, no one knows if what they aim to do is even possible, but they are being created.

See, now these are better questions.
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Can you cook? Can you bake? Have you ever rebuilt a car engine? and if so, how do you get the grease stains out of your washing machine after you wash your clothes?
There are 4 ninjas in this room...where are they?

Can you cook? Can you bake? Have you ever rebuilt a car engine? and if so, how do you get the grease stains out of your washing machine after you wash your clothes?

I can cook easy things. Baking I guess is the same, but only things out of a bag usually. Never rebuilt a car engine because I know almost nothing about cars. And I don't give a shit about my apartment's washing machine. :-)

There are 4 ninjas in this room...where are they?


Taking the picture.

There are three club kids here, one is not murdered or in prison.. which is he?

I could choose any of them, because those are actors, including Macauley (sp?) Culkin.

Can you be reincarneted back in time... like in 1750?

Like all religion, the "chance" is always there. But it's so abysmally small that to say you can is a gross exaggeration. I'd say it's about as likely as being struck by lightning 50 times in a single day...and survive.

I am adopted, who are my birth parents ? (In the UK all records are sealed before 1975)

Probably a pair of English citizens. I'll get back to you once I move there. :-P
Google can't tell me, so my guess is no one knows.[/quote]

Plane tree was printed with the numbers 1/2 or 3/4 so that when the cammo tent sections were put together, with the numbers matching each other they formed a continuious unbroken camouflage pattern.
I know something you dont know, i know something you dont know.....:p
Plane tree was printed with the numbers 1/2 or 3/4 so that when the cammo tent sections were put together, with the numbers matching each other they formed a continuious unbroken camouflage pattern.
I know something you dont know, i know something you dont know.....:p

Crap. :-(

Except NOW I know it, so you DON'T know something I don't know!
so i'm in the shower and these dudes are like laughing and shit and this one guy is like pretending to jack off with a towel or something. so i charge out of the shower and spear this guy right in the chest with my badass crew cut head. i look like guile from street fighter. so this punk ass is on the ground with a broken sternum, and i'm just standing over him and i don't even notice that i'm naked and my huge ass dick is just swinging in the wind. so i'm all "you homo boys can play with each other all damn day, for all i care. i just squatted 580 today, and i need a shower." so i walk out still naked and march across the gym to the ladies locker room and get in the shower. all these hot ass bitches are naked in their and they flock to me like i'm goddamn catnip. so i start ****ing all these bitches and shit in the shower, and i'm just thinking to myself, "i'm so damn bad." and they're putting shampoo in my crew cut head. i look like guile from street fighter.