Active member
How do you propose we solve the food shortage that this country is likely to face, now that 500 million acres of farmland is under water in the Mid West ?
I'd probably go ahead and assume that we're NOT going to have a food shortage. I'd be extremely surprised if we did. It's pretty common for people to hype disasters a lot worse than they are. So I guess, My answer is, I don't think we'll have one.
And how the hell this thread has this many hits?![]()
What is the most boring profession you could think of?
Profession? Anything in a factory, or anything that requires me to sit at a desk for the entirety of the job.
If you're talking about SWG, I'd say Dancer or Musician.
What would you add in a SW MMO that was not in the first one?
All the coding from SWG patch 9 so it's the same game.

How long is forever?
Depends on the context in which it is used, by definition though it's eternity.
How many Wooks does it take to stomp all over some loud mouth Imperials?
Good to see you around Zo!!
Hey Sett'bacca! LOOOONG TIME!

Are you a virgin? If not, have you ever cried during sex? and is your mother disappointed you defiled someones precious little girl?
No. No. No. Although the girl's moms might be mad. Who knows?
Who is more hilarious, Sam Kinison or stupid Dane Cook?
I don't know Sam, but I'm positive he's funnier than Dane Cook.