Well i dont agree especially for MMO's and more than that on this case. There are many Sail age fans who played games like Sid Meier's Pirates, Sea Dogs from Bethesda and Age of Sail. All these guys have many fan based very nice web-sites and these guys are aware of PoBS for a long time.
The first FAQ site for PoBS was also made by a fan of the game. If i were FLS and would need help there I would rely on my community rather than a 3rd party which will cost money especially when its SOE with all the bad reputation. Cooperation between devs and dedicated fans is something underestimated, if players really believe in the games they can create masterpieces as its seen in many games which are open to modifications. There are so many examples in the market and altho i am not directly related in the gaming industry as a long time player, I am aware of this fact.
Now lets get real, how many ppl would you be able to get as a customer for a MMO where you would be in charge of sailing a ship? Make the dynamics too simple and you will lose all the sail fans who knows a lot about a ship's sail, wind and cannon mechanics who are the real target audience. Make it a little detailed and the average casual player whom you are targeting by advertising will not bother.
MMO's are not like single player type games, you cant alter the difficulty, you cant allow cheat codes and you cant implement save/load features.
As for monetary reasons, there are many FREE MMO's in the market, some are played by hundereds of thousand of ppl, there is the example of Dark and Light, which created a huge hype with out any kind of advertisement.
There are many player hosted mods for Lineage, WoW etc. If you are telling me FLS cant host their game when there are such examples, I am sorry but I cant believe it especially when they will get subscription fees come their release. Plus if you can run a beta program for 10.000 players you can run the actual game. 10.000 players means 150k USdollars in montly income minus the CC charge.
In business angle I dont understand the need to sign a contract with a publisher for PoBS with the released terms. Thats why I think there are things which was not said to the community.