Yet another game lost to SOE?

Your all stupid, SOE was not the downfall of SWG it was LA; SOE was not the downfall of VG it was Sigil. SOE is a victim of its own success; at current cumulatively they are largest developer, distributer, and marketer of Massively Multiplayer Online Games across the world, and across all platforms.

Why do automatically associate failure?

I suppose it is human nature to fear something, so overpowering. SOE knowledge of the market, and experience in distribution is second to none. I think FLS have signed up to a great deal, which will inevitably lead to both publisher and developer having a prudent and prosperous relationship.

BTW: STO, and Gods and Heroes will be published by SOE.
Your all stupid, SOE was not the downfall of SWG it was LA; SOE was not the downfall of VG it was Sigil. SOE is a victim of its own success; at current cumulatively they are largest developer, distributer, and marketer of Massively Multiplayer Online Games across the world, and across all platforms.

Why do automatically associate failure?

I suppose it is human nature to fear something, so overpowering. SOE knowledge of the market, and experience in distribution is second to none. I think FLS have signed up to a great deal, which will inevitably lead to both publisher and developer having a prudent and prosperous relationship.

BTW: STO, and Gods and Heroes will be published by SOE.

Every single game that has had the SOE name near it has failed and failed miserably. Get your head out from underneath Sony's ass and look at the facts. Every single mmorpg that has SOE near it is total shit. Be it they bought out a shitty game and tried to revive it or not, it's shit.

SWG - Failure since CU/NGE
EverQuest - Pull the plug already
EverQuest II - Alright, but still sucks.
TMO - SOE bought it and it still sucks.
Planetside - Pull the plug already
Vanguard - Bought it, Total fucking failure.

Any MMO Sony comes by, be it managing it or not, Sony eventually buys them out and precedes on taking a shit on everything.

I know you love Sony until the end Banana, and probably would give your first born child to them if they asked, but seriously, get real.

Sony's knowledge of the market? Yeah, all their terrible games and the $600 PS3 sure support that statement.

SOE is the largest marketer of MMO's across the world, I'll give you that. They'd be better managing sewer systems. At least it's real shit they are dealing with down there.
Every single game that has had the SOE name near it has failed and failed miserably. Get your head out from underneath Sony's ass and look at the facts. Every single mmorpg that has SOE near it is total shit. Be it they bought out a shitty game and tried to revive it or not, it's shit.

SWG - Failure since CU/NGE
EverQuest - Pull the plug already
EverQuest II - Alright, but still sucks.
TMO - SOE bought it and it still sucks.
Planetside - Pull the plug already
Vanguard - Bought it, Total fucking failure.

Any MMO Sony comes by, be it managing it or not, Sony eventually buys them out and precedes on taking a shit on everything.

I know you love Sony until the end Banana, and probably would give your first born child to them if they asked, but seriously, get real.

Sony's knowledge of the market? Yeah, all their terrible games and the $600 PS3 sure support that statement.

SOE is the largest marketer of MMO's across the world, I'll give you that. They'd be better managing sewer systems. At least it's real shit they are dealing with down there.

yeah i have to agree. i STILL play swg, but it's not what it use to be and everyone knows that. also the other games... meh
Good job banana you never cease to make me laugh.

Oh and I wouldnt want to live in a town where the sewers are managed by SOE. I highly doubt that they can manage anything let alone sewers which is important for healthcare.
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Your all stupid, SOE was not the downfall of SWG it was LA; SOE was not the downfall of VG it was Sigil. SOE is a victim of its own success; at current cumulatively they are largest developer, distributer, and marketer of Massively Multiplayer Online Games across the world, and across all platforms.

Why do automatically associate failure?

I suppose it is human nature to fear something, so overpowering. SOE knowledge of the market, and experience in distribution is second to none. I think FLS have signed up to a great deal, which will inevitably lead to both publisher and developer having a prudent and prosperous relationship.

BTW: STO, and Gods and Heroes will be published by SOE.

I'm no market expert, but I can read a graph.

Somewhat dated, but if you add up all the pieces of the pie on the market share pie chart, you have just enough to feed a sickly child.

I'm not quite sure what makes SOE the largest anything really, it seems like NCsoft and Blizzard dominate the market. Hell, Nintendo has passed up Sony in its entirety for market value.

Update: After looking for a site that was more recent, I found
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If Blizzard publishes any of the games, they'll probably be an instant hit due to brand name alone. Of course, to remain a hit game it has to actually be at least decent fun...

I'm playing WoW but I gotta say the 60-70 grind sucks.

And yeah pirates should be fine...
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SOE will buy out Flying Lab before its all said and done, I said that about Sigil too concerning Vanguard. It is SOE's normal operation and they aren't going to change.

Banana current statistics do not support your conclusion. NCSoft and Blizzard both own more of the market share than SOE. It is true that SOE has more offerings, but most of those are on life support. SOE has not put the effort into them to make them successful and when they have put effort into a game they generally have gone against the game's playerbase to the point that they completely ruin the game and end off worse off than if they'd just left it alone.
Banana, as you say "SOE was not the downfall of SWG it was LA". But who do you think were the ones rushing LA to push the game out before it was done? The whole CU and NGE debacle, all this crap was because of SOE's impatience and constantly riding LA's ass instead of giving them the time and space they needed and just letting them do their job on their own without the handholding.
It's the classic SONY/SOE mentality. Say everything is great and try to convince people into thinking your, "products" are top of the line and what the people want. When in reality you guys are one of the most hated companies around. I swear your in a cult... it's kind of sad the lies that SONY makes up because after a while they start believing they are true! :D
Hehe! Well I dunno. I worked for a Sony for a year and hated them even while I worked for them, then hated them even a million times more afterwards. But I've always been that kind of cynical bastard who hates and complains about my employer. Never really could say I've liked any companies I've worked for in my life. But still, Sony sucks balls!!!!!
Every single game that has had the SOE name near it has failed and failed miserably. Get your head out from underneath Sony's ass and look at the facts. Every single mmorpg that has SOE near it is total shit. Be it they bought out a shitty game and tried to revive it or not, it's shit.

SWG - Failure since CU/NGE
EverQuest - Pull the plug already
EverQuest II - Alright, but still sucks.
TMO - SOE bought it and it still sucks.
Planetside - Pull the plug already
Vanguard - Bought it, Total fucking failure.

That is just your opinion though. It dosn't mean the game is a failure // or sucks for the other people out there. If it was something that horrible (on a mass scale) then they would have pulled it.

As others have said, people gotta get over the whole soe syndrome.

Oh and Vanguard was doomed before SOE even got it. :P
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