<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jan 30 2006, 04:54 PM) [snapback]37093[/snapback][/center]
Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah.All 3 have there ups and downs.
Pre-CU Good No cheesy combat levels on everything, players could work together in groups if they choose without having to all be the same level, ability to change proffesions, orginaly could have multiple faction pets.
Pre-CU Bad Jedis where griefed by everyone, pvp was non consential and sucked royaly, buffs where way overpower and the devs upped the difficulty of everything so you had to pay ridculous amoutns of money to do anything in the end. Healign seriously overpowered. In the end over powered buffed players would solo everything. Very bad armor system.
CU Good Buffs balanced, Pvp for non jedis becomes consential less greifing, still could respec and use most pets though faction pets become limited. Armor system improved.
CU Bad creatures giving combat levels seriously detracts from realism as 2 identical creatures of diffrening comabt levels would have radicly diffrent difficulties, workign with players of varing comabt levels becomes very tedious. Jedis still grieifed by more and mroe overpowered bounty hunters, healing still seriously overpowered. Armor and weapons decay to fast.
NGE Good Jedis no longer griefed, all pvp is now consential, combat takes less time and feels more realistic. quest now give exp. Armor system similar to CU. Ability to use a wider variety of weapons due to consolidation of various combat proffesions. Most decay removed from game. Less death penalty. Every combat character given some healign ability to better balance the game.
NGE Bad no longer able to change proffesions(barring limtied respecs) less ability to customize characters both in abilityes and due to clothing mods and lack of innate armor apperance, most pets removed from the game, species abilities removed, new characters can no longer learn various languages, some proffesions removed entirely. Many special abilitys and special effects removed. Many asspec of the game not yet intergrated into the new system with no clear time frame of such. Crafting and Entertaining proffesions thrown in a half baked state almsot as an afterthought. Hunting grants very little exp and many quest still do not grant exp so mid level characters may have difficulty advancing.
Im sure people will argue about rather some of these are good or bad based on there personal feeligns and play style but this is my opinion on whats good and bad about each to the general population. I think Pre CU was nice for everyone but jedis int he begining but the pre cu era of overpowerd and overpriced buffs and long buff lines if you could even find a docotr was the worst system by far and quite ridiculous. I remebr to many times seeing master level comabt characters killed by things when t here buffs wore off only to see a newbie character whod been playing less thana 30 mintues but had a nice buff run in and kill everything. I also stronly prefer haviing pvp be consential only as a system of forced pvp ruins any game its in for all but a small group of griefers. In my opionin the game having forced pvp for so long did far more damage to the player base than the CU and NGE combined though it was far less obvious sicne it was mroe spread otu over time. Despite the complaints of weaponsmiths im glad decay is no longer in the game. It may have helped the profit margines of a few weaponsmsiths but wasnt good for anyone else really. Even most crafters save for weapon and armorsmiths didnt get a benfit from decay (architects tailors droid engineers never had repeat customers from decay) Limited decay on some crafted items would be acceptable but the rates of decay duirng the CU where way to high and there are ways all crafters could be giving useful limitied use items that players would liek to have so they can make money and keep up sales without forcing everyone to buy new weapons and armor every time the go hunting. (specilized ammo for weaponsmiths , grenades, some type of armor enhancments etc that would be nice to have but not required)
All the systems had there good poitns and bad ultimately I can only hope they improve ont he current sytem and bring back a few of the good things without brining back the bad. I think any type of complete roleback to a previous system at this point would only do more damage but it would be nice to see some of the specials and graphics from the cu come back and maybe see some form of pets etc reintorduced as well as improvments to crafting and entertaining.