
You did realize it was a Micheal Bay movie, didn't you? You can just about cut and paste that one sentence review for almost all of his movies.

You can also cut out all the sound, put in a Beer commercial song and nobody would notice.

Also, the thing opened up at the Arclight in LA yesterday (7/2). 24 hours of screenings sold out until something like thursday at 3:45am.
I always enjoy going to the Arclight theater in Hollywood. Well, I like going there during the day. Every theater should operate like that one.
You did realize it was a Micheal Bay movie, didn't you? You can just about cut and paste that one sentence review for almost all of his movies.

true true. Seriously though if you were a commando in the army would you trust the fate of the world to a junior in high school?

true true. Seriously though if you were a commando in the army would you trust the fate of the world to a junior in high school?
That happens in most every movie though. It is quite horrible in the Jurassic Park series.
well the verdict from my weekly conference I had with my guys in california (work) said, don't bother going to see transformers it really wasn't that good.

Kinda sad that another hyped up film got that bad a responce in general :(
well the verdict from my weekly conference I had with my guys in california (work) said, don't bother going to see transformers it really wasn't that good.

Kinda sad that another hyped up film got that bad a responce in general :(
I think your friends are wrong on this one. I enjoyed the movie. Some of the fight sequences betweent he Decepticons and the Autobots were a bit difficult to follow but overall I would give this movie an easy 4 out of 5 (only a -1 because some of the robot fight scenes are a bit hard to follow).

While I am thinking about it.........what is the deal with everyone and thier dislike at Mr. Bay. I enjoy the movies he puts out and I can't honestly remember seeing one that I didnt like. He may not be for everyone out there but then again who is.
it was there verdict, I'll proberly end up going to see it anyway. curiosity will get the better of me on this one heh
I think your friends are wrong on this one. I enjoyed the movie. Some of the fight sequences betweent he Decepticons and the Autobots were a bit difficult to follow but overall I would give this movie an easy 4 out of 5 (only a -1 because some of the robot fight scenes are a bit hard to follow).

While I am thinking about it.........what is the deal with everyone and thier dislike at Mr. Bay. I enjoy the movies he puts out and I can't honestly remember seeing one that I didnt like. He may not be for everyone out there but then again who is.

I based my comment about Bay due to some of his movies, the worst offenders are as follows:

Armageddon (5.8 Imdb rating)
Pearl Harbor (5.3)
Bad Boys I & II (6.4 / 6.1)

Sorry, couldn't stand any of them. All of them have plenty of visual flash, but no substance whatsoever. 'The Rock' was the only one of his flicks I can stomach, and even that has way too much Nicholas Cage for my liking. You enjoy his work, great, I consider you lucky that you can tolerate his crap. But judging by a majority of his ratings on Imdb, he may not be for everyone, but he surely seems like he is not for almost anyone.
Anyways, enough about that hack of a director, Gomi, did you see the "strange" trailer that seems to be an upcoming monster movie produced by JJ Abrams?!?

(story here)
Eww Pearl Harbor was such a terrible movie. My brother insisted that we go see it (ofcourse I made him pay for it. :p ) and it was his 2nd time. I sincerely think he was mixed in the hospital, cant accept the fact that such a dumbass can be my real brother lol. In the middle of the movie I told him what will happen at the end. He looked silly at my face hehe.

Visual effects were also very stupid, planes dont fly like that unless you are playing a video game. It was a very terrible movie, I thought the director tried to imitate Titanic.
Eww Pearl Harbor was such a terrible movie. My brother insisted that we go see it (ofcourse I made him pay for it. :p ) and it was his 2nd time. I sincerely think he was mixed in the hospital, cant accept the fact that such a dumbass can be my real brother lol. In the middle of the movie I told him what will happen at the end. He looked silly at my face hehe.

Visual effects were also very stupid, planes dont fly like that unless you are playing a video game. It was a very terrible movie, I thought the director tried to imitate Titanic.
I agree. But I really liked the action sequences during the Pearl Harbor raid...