I thought it was weird how he's holding the lightsaber behind him while he's being shot at from in front of him. Also, he did seem quite weak vs. those guys. And maybe I don't know anything about the back-story, but he's killing both rebels and imperials? Why?

Because he can.

Hey, Imps are the standard bad guys, just one ring below Nazis for best bad guy to kill and feel good about it in a video game. As for Rebels, well they smell like cabbage and deserve it! :)
Alienating your established fan base to lay foundations for the next generation of fans doesn't work. SoE found that out pretty quickly.

Couldn't agree more. I saw this movie over the weekend and was very disappointed. The movie should have a warning caption under the title stating "This movie is intended for 10 years old or younger audience". There are too many bad things to point out about the movie to discuss it here on the forums, besides, the critics have slammed it too much already and don't need me to add to the mix. What I don't understand is why Lucas is doing this. I was seven years old when I saw 'Star Wars : A new hope' for the first time on the big screen and I loved it. It made a permanent impression on me. Why does he have to dumb it down to this level to think it will appeal to the younger generation? He doesn't have to! Is it that Lucas has forgotten about his original fanbase? That is the impression I am getting. Someone needs to wrestle creative control out of his hands before Star Wars fades into black.
So I saw it on Friday.....and I liked it! I really don't see what was so bad about it.....and before everyone jumps down my throat this is obviously just my opinion.

I know the story wasn't the greatest thing it the SW universe but I thought it served it's purpose. I thought the action happenned at a good pace and the animation was top notch. I won't start spewing anything else but I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

Anyone else's opinions?

I agree, it was a pretty good movie.
I agree, it was a pretty good movie.

Although it was geared towards the younger crowd, you have to remember that the original movie wasn't much different in terms of audience. It's the big SW nerds that expect it to be some adult oriented cerebral project. I wonder how loudly people would have cried if the internet was around when Droids and Ewoks were a part of Saturday morning cartoons. I wonder how loudly they'd be crying that it was geared towards kids.

I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the opportunity to take my kids to the movies to see anything that is Star Wars.
Well now I feel like a ass. I did take my son to go see it and he enjoyed it. Maybe I am putting too much into it.. afterall, it was targeted towards the kids and I should have remembered that and kept a open mind.