So I saw it on Friday.....and I liked it! I really don't see what was so bad about it.....and before everyone jumps down my throat this is obviously just my opinion.

I know the story wasn't the greatest thing it the SW universe but I thought it served it's purpose. I thought the action happenned at a good pace and the animation was top notch. I won't start spewing anything else but I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

Anyone else's opinions?
Anyone else's opinions?

It was a crappy movie and an even more crappier star wars movie.

I hate that style of animation.
Why did it have to be the clone wars, AGAIN?
They hardly used any of the real actors for their voices. (except for what.. 2? The others were the more cheaper video game versions)
No original star wars music? The "new" star wars intro remix sucks.
It is clear Lucas wants to reach a different audiance now.
Everything about this movie pissed me off.

I have serious doubts on what is star wars and what it will become. I already have my concerns with Force Unleashed and the arcade like elements that they plugged into it like the point score system, the power-ups, and so on. Can't even dismember people with a lightsaber? whatever...
Ok cool, I like to see the other opinions.

As for the force unleashed.....lack of dismemberment has you concerned?

If this doesn't light your SW fire then i'm truly afraid nothing will:

(WARNING!!!! demo spoiler gameplay vid, only about 1 min long)

The game makes no excuses about being an action/arcade like's what it was designed to be from the get go. Were you expecting a RTS or a RPG?
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lol another for dismemberment.....I totally understand that it should be in the game, but it's not like i'll be skipping the game because it lacks it....and I hope you won't be either :)
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Ok cool, I like to see the other opinions.

As for the force unleashed.....lack of dismemberment has you concerned?

If this doesn't light your SW fire then i'm truly afraid nothing will:

(WARNING!!!! demo spoiler gameplay vid, only about 1 min long)

The game makes no excuses about being an action/arcade like's what it was designed to be from the get go. Were you expecting a RTS or a RPG?

I dunno about that video. The guy basically has to force choke, lightsaber toss and force lightning a guy to kill him, all the while he is being shot constantly by other troopers. This while he is throwing the force around like candy. Can't say that video got me excited about the game. Will wait till demo/game comes out before thinking too much about it.
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Ok, finally watched the video and I have to say, it looks fun to me. The whole idea to them just flinging the force around like it's nothing is that it was designed to be over the top. They explain in this video or one of the ones in there, can't remember which one.

Mind tricks, force throws, and nifty kung fu light saber fights are fun to watch, but personally I like the ability to go balls to the wall and just obliterate your opponents.
Can't hurt to DL the demo thats for sure. I really think those vids were put to show the range of what abilities the character has at his disposal, but obviously I can't say for sure.
Can't hurt to DL the demo thats for sure. I really think those vids were put to show the range of what abilities the character has at his disposal, but obviously I can't say for sure.

Demo is out already?

EDIT: Never mind, saw your other thread. Cool, will probably check out the demo. Hopefully the game "feels" better than how it looks in terms of action.

Another example of companies parenting people's kids...
They're probably just doing it to cover their own asses though and yet someone will bitch that their underage kiddie is playing a violent video game that they themselves bought... Good comic though. :p
I dunno about that video. The guy basically has to force choke, lightsaber toss and force lightning a guy to kill him, all the while he is being shot constantly by other troopers. This while he is throwing the force around like candy. Can't say that video got me excited about the game. Will wait till demo/game comes out before thinking too much about it.

I thought it was weird how he's holding the lightsaber behind him while he's being shot at from in front of him. Also, he did seem quite weak vs. those guys. And maybe I don't know anything about the back-story, but he's killing both rebels and imperials? Why?