
New member
Anyone else notice how much this movie is flying under the radar? So many people are writing this off as a kids cartoon.

I love seeing it not get the big movie publicity that the live action prequals got. I've had co-workers who know I like SW come up to me already this week and say stuff like "hey I heard theres some new SW movie coming out this year...I think it's a cartoon, do you know anything about it?"
Personally, I have no want to see it. Judging by the previews it will be tailored pretty heavily to the younger crowd (think Disney Star Wars). While, I think it would fill in the gaps to the Clone Wars, the past three movies I kept telling myself would get better and each time Lucas bit me in the ass.

Lucas needs to give up the control on the franchise and hand it over someone new. I think if they did to Star Wars what was done to Batman (make it darker) and less of this family campy crap. Timi!!!!!! It's's on film, its in the movies, its bad can it be??? (you don't have to answer that :P)

I understand about the movies but I look at it just how I described it above....its new SW stuff, bad or not i'll pull some interesting stuff out of it for my own enjoyment. The movies may have sucked but the content was still there......and it has clone troopers in it....who doesn't love clone troopers?? :P

TCW may be geared towards kids like a Disney movie, but there have been some quality Disney/Pixar movies....Wall-E was a great movie :)
They need to attract a new audience, and lay the foundations for the next generation of fans.

Stop crying.

They're free to do as they please, but it doesn't dismiss the fact it looks like shit and doesn't interest a lot of people. Alienating your established fan base to lay foundations for the next generation of fans doesn't work. SoE found that out pretty quickly.
They're free to do as they please, but it doesn't dismiss the fact it looks like shit and doesn't interest a lot of people. Alienating your established fan base to lay foundations for the next generation of fans doesn't work. SoE found that out pretty quickly.

You will pull out your force efx saber, you will don your master replica clone trooper helmet, you will proceed to your nearest entertainment cinema, you will shell out $10, you will shut your trap, and you will enjoy this for the Star Wars content that it is.

If you will, I've just declared it and you will follow order 66.5.

That is all. Have a nice day. :P

You will pull out your force efx saber, you will don your master replica clone trooper helmet, you will proceed to your nearest entertainment cinema, you will shell out $10, you will shut your trap, and you will enjoy this for the Star Wars content that it is.

If you will, I've just declared it and you will follow order 66.5.

That is all. Have a nice day. :P

You feel that? That's me, force choking you. :D

If people go to it and enjoy it, power to them, but I just don't like the direction the franchise has taken and the argument "IT'S STAR WARS!!!1111!!!11" just doesn't do it for me anymore. I'll be the first to admit that I was the same one soaking up every bit I could regardless, but for me personally, the whole world has been diluted and just doesn't interest me at this point in time.

I just feel that the reigns need to be handed over to someone else to give it a fresh coat of paint. Look at BioWare, they ultimately created one of the best Star Wars universes and a fresh new perspective. The problem with Lucas is, he's stuck on a treadmill and just beating a dead horse into glue.

With that said, I'm very much looking towards KOTOR online, again it's a new outlook on the universe that is being expanded on. Hopefully it'll live up to the quality BioWare is known for and Lucas Arts can restrain themselves.
I'm still a sucker for all things SW. I'm just kooky that way. Lightsabers? Check. Force powers? Check. Space dog fights? Check. Clone Troopers? Check. Shit, I was hooked at the mention lightsabers.....I devour SW lore, good and bad...but thats just me.

Ok ok ok enough of this lol, i'll see you in KOTOR online......near the first spaceport.....getting ready to shoot bunnies......and running for my life as it tears out my poor Wook's jugular.

Now if that doesn't charge up your SW spirit, nothing will :P
I'm still a sucker for all things SW. I'm just kooky that way. Lightsabers? Check. Force powers? Check. Space dog fights? Check. Clone Troopers? Check. Shit, I was hooked at the mention lightsabers.....I devour SW lore, good and bad...but thats just me.

Ok ok ok enough of this lol, i'll see you in KOTOR online......near the first spaceport.....getting ready to shoot bunnies......and running for my life as it tears out my poor Wook's jugular.

Now if that doesn't charge up your SW spirit, nothing will :P

Touche. :lol:
omg nooooooo you cannot show me that picture!!! i was going on about it for weeks the first time i saw it lol
Oh, here is a review from Mr. Ain't it cool news, the same guy who became a serious New Trilogy defender because it was "Star Wars". And even he thinks it is shit.

I, too, was a fan of the Gennedy animated Clone Wars, and that was something done to bring in a new fan base but done with quality and not alienating your original fans. Just because you want a new fan base, does not mean you have to destroy what you originally created.
I watched all 6 movies. I've read many SW books. I own both Ewok movies on DVD. I have the Holiday Special on VHS, and yes I've watched the entire thing.

Yeah, I'll be going to the new flick.