So, I heard Spiderman 3 sucks

also azrail i think you also meant to say resent and not resemble....
Nope I didn't. I am one of the types that :wookiee: was talking about! :D

Dude, you like everything though.
I don't like your avatar still! :lol: :p
It's true though I like pretty much any sci-fi no matter how bad it is! I think there's probably very few films I haven't seen or end up seeing at some stage no matter how old or bad.:rolleyes:
Late night TV, putting on crap films is a great way to see them.:lol:
Hey I resemble that remark!:mad:
yep brought SP3 and its much like Ultimate Spidey which I liked.
But you need a BITCH of a PC to run it and it's still laggy! :(

Will buy Trans game for sure.
No PC version of Superman Returns or I might have got that too! :p
I enjoyed Ultimate Spidey on PS2, too bad I beat it without ever knowing they have health upgrades, lol