Heroes returns!

Forgive me for being long winded :p
Why? I thought it was pretty well done, and pretty much what I expected.

That was part of the problem, no real huge "OMG!!" moments you would expect in a season finale. They kept telling you what would happen and then it comes true. The pace of the episode was bad imo, slow most of the way through for a season finale. The flashback/vision that Peter had was a bore and seemed pointless (yeah, I know I didn't read the online stuff, but I shouldn't have to). The big fight at the end was slow, and suprisingly lacking in powers. Wth was Peter punching him in the face for? For a man that can stop unexpected bullets, how can he not stop Peter from hitting him in the face or a dude from running 10 feet and shoving a sword through his chest? Why didn't Sylar just turn people into liquid like he can do, I would like to see Peter heal that. Or use his telekinesis to make their heads explode or something.

Why did Nathan have to show up and fly Peter away, why didn't Peter just fly himself away??? Oh that's right, makes for better drama.

Even the way they killed off Linderman was weak. If this were a comic book (which they are trying for in a lot of ways) that entire scene would have been less than a page. For someone orchestrating a huge corporation intent on controlling the gifted and putting into the white house a puppet, he should have had considerably more time put into his demise. Of course he's probably not dead, but still... Or the dude in the corporation that is the 'heavy lifter', he got tagged from behind and just like that he's gone.

What really bothers me is that Peter has almost unlimited potential and uses very little of it, he just wants to whine and be insecure and afraid. That may make a good character in a drama, but is annoying for a superhero.

Meh, excellent show, was just disappointed in the finale.
Good episode.

Sylar escaped, its not the first time he sufffered a fatal wound and survived. It is clear he doesn't have Claire's ability to come back from complete death, but he does have some sort of regenerative ability. (This was shown before too when I think Parkman shot him in the early episodes).

The Eclipse Hiro sees at the End was among the first of Isaac's paintings.

Peter and Sylar can still see the future.....

Sylar's not going to give up so easily.

Its to bad Peter isn't using Charlie's intellect like Sylar does. True Peter probably doesn't realize he has the power, but he's been near Sylar and thus he most likely does have the power just doesn't realize it. (Much like he has Eden's powers but doesn't realize it). I mention this intellect method because Peter given his powers had many actual options. He could have shifted in Time....like Hiro, or he could have flown....like Nathan, he didn't need Nathan to carry him.

Claire brought out the best in her real dad, Nathan which was great.

Peter obviously immediately gained Nikki's superstrength. I'd dare say if he knew their powers he also gained Molly's, Micah's and DL's. Its also possible the chameleon chick was still close enough to absorb her powers. I suspect in the season opener for season 2, Sylar will take her power, and become a much more dangerous villain. (Though of course Matt...assuming he survives and Peter can read his mind.)

Linderman's power though is most likely lost to the world. That might have been a good power to have saved.

You know I always thought Hiro would end up going back in time to the time to meet his Hero. The Future Hero obviously had been trained by a true master, it would also increase his connection to Godsend if he's used it both in the past as well as the present.
one theory for why peter didn't fly away: he wasn't in control of his powers

was there any proof that peter getting close to sylar gave peter any of sylars stolen powers? sylars power was the ability to see how things worked (which imo is why he looked at the brains). does this mean since he didn't naturally have all those powers peter couldn't leech them?
Peter doesn't know how a lot of powers work so he couldn't shift in time for example. Hiro couldn't do that without practise.

Also I think he can only use 1 power at time for now. So he couldn't fly and blow up.

Sylar was healed by HRG originally in Primatech.
Peter maybe able to leech Sylars powers but only when he uses them?

Chameleon girl would need to have her brain out and Sylar doesn't know of her or would care right now.

We don't know he has Edens powers because they were slowly building up, otherwise he would have absorbed Nathans power long ago?

It's good this show makes many theories. Makes a change for a show these days. :)
Forgive me for being long winded :p

That was part of the problem, no real huge "OMG!!" moments you would expect in a season finale. They kept telling you what would happen and then it comes true. The pace of the episode was bad imo, slow most of the way through for a season finale. The flashback/vision that Peter had was a bore and seemed pointless (yeah, I know I didn't read the online stuff, but I shouldn't have to). The big fight at the end was slow, and suprisingly lacking in powers. Wth was Peter punching him in the face for? For a man that can stop unexpected bullets, how can he not stop Peter from hitting him in the face or a dude from running 10 feet and shoving a sword through his chest? Why didn't Sylar just turn people into liquid like he can do, I would like to see Peter heal that. Or use his telekinesis to make their heads explode or something.

Why did Nathan have to show up and fly Peter away, why didn't Peter just fly himself away??? Oh that's right, makes for better drama.

Even the way they killed off Linderman was weak. If this were a comic book (which they are trying for in a lot of ways) that entire scene would have been less than a page. For someone orchestrating a huge corporation intent on controlling the gifted and putting into the white house a puppet, he should have had considerably more time put into his demise. Of course he's probably not dead, but still... Or the dude in the corporation that is the 'heavy lifter', he got tagged from behind and just like that he's gone.

What really bothers me is that Peter has almost unlimited potential and uses very little of it, he just wants to whine and be insecure and afraid. That may make a good character in a drama, but is annoying for a superhero.

Meh, excellent show, was just disappointed in the finale.
Well, maybe there weren't any OMG moments like, say, learning Mr. Bennet's name, or seeing a season-long plot brought to a close.

The flashback hasn't been brought up in any online material I've seen, but it did establish Charles Deveaux's connection to things.

Heroes has been about narrative rather than action, so you shouldn't be surprised that there wasn't a knock-down drag-out Peter vs Sylar fight. Peter punched him like he did because he had given into more primal instincts. Human beings have a tendancy to fall back to these instincts when faced with these types of situations, and it was important in the story as the trigger for Peter's loss of control.

Sylar didn't fight back because:
a) in the case of Peter, he'd just been blind-sided by a parking meter-wielding superbitch,
b) in the case of Hiro he'd just been given the shit-kicking of his life by Peter's new super strength.

Aside from that, Sylar didn't fight back because he knew he didn't need to. In fact, it was his plan to let Peter kick the shit out of him. The writers couldn't have made that any more clear without adding narrative subtitles that said, "Sylar isn't fighting back because it's his plan to make Peter lose control". Sylar can see the future. He knew exactly what he was doing. All of that applies to Hiro stabbing him as well. Sylar is far better off with everyone thinking he's dead.

Peter couldn't fly. As was the point of the story, he had lost control of his powers. I will grant you that this part contains the one plot hole in the whole thing: Nathan finishing Peter and Claire's conversation. I'm willing to give them that one for dramatic license.

Linderman was over-confident. He believed that events would play out in a certain way and never considered that DL, or anyone else for that matter, was a threat to him. I liked his death. DL isn't the sort of person who dicks around with elaborate murder schemes, nor was he in the sort of position where you would do that. When the person who stole your kid is about to kill your wife, you kill him as quickly as possible (you know, so he doesn't pull the trigger).

Peter is a whiney bitch. He's been that way from the start. He's Luke Skywalker.
one theory for why peter didn't fly away: he wasn't in control of his powers

was there any proof that peter getting close to sylar gave peter any of sylars stolen powers? sylars power was the ability to see how things worked (which imo is why he looked at the brains). does this mean since he didn't naturally have all those powers peter couldn't leech them?

Peter has Telekinesis and also Super Hearing we've seen him use, both of which he got from Sylar. Telekinesis much like Super Hearing are acquired powers, basically by examining others Sylar has the ability to manipulate his own genetic structure to duplicate their effects.

It is true that Peter is not well versed in his powers. He seems to have a lot less control of them than the original in most cases (though his invisibility control seems near the level of the original, however that is the only power in which he actually received training in by the person who originally held it.). Peter only seems able to use powers he is aware that someone used in his presence.

Peter and Sylar's powers are similar in many respects. The difference is Peter's body seems to adapt on its own, while Sylar has to examine the individual's brain first or does he? That could be a psychological limit to Sylar's power, not a true limit. After all how did he move while time was frozen and stop Hiro's sword the other week? Sylar relishes in his powers though whereas Peter seems more afraid of his powers, afraid of their consequences.
I was trying so hard not to expect a big ass finale, but i was still kind of disapointed by it. Nevertheless ill still be watching it next season :)

Lost Finale > Heroes Finale :lol:
Peter has Telekinesis and also Super Hearing we've seen him use, both of which he got from Sylar. Telekinesis much like Super Hearing are acquired powers, basically by examining others Sylar has the ability to manipulate his own genetic structure to duplicate their effects.

It is true that Peter is not well versed in his powers. He seems to have a lot less control of them than the original in most cases (though his invisibility control seems near the level of the original, however that is the only power in which he actually received training in by the person who originally held it.). Peter only seems able to use powers he is aware that someone used in his presence.

Peter and Sylar's powers are similar in many respects. The difference is Peter's body seems to adapt on its own, while Sylar has to examine the individual's brain first or does he? That could be a psychological limit to Sylar's power, not a true limit. After all how did he move while time was frozen and stop Hiro's sword the other week? Sylar relishes in his powers though whereas Peter seems more afraid of his powers, afraid of their consequences.
Sylar didn't move while time was stopped. Hiro lost control and time resumed. Watch the scene and pay attention to Sylar's mom.

Lost Finale > Heroes Finale :lol:
Not a chance. Lost is still suffering from it's narrative scatter. Honestly, I like Lost, but it's like the story was created by a couple of potheads:

"Yeah, so like, they're stuck on this weird island and shit keeps happening to them."

"OK, and there's, like, these people you can't see that whisper in the jungle"

"Yeah, and...oh fuck dude, there's fucking polar bears."

Whoa, polar bears."
In case anyone has fogotten they are still doing the online novels! Even though the show isn't on air.
There was a story about the Haitian and now a new person I think. B)
They're using my back yard to film an episode for next season this friday. The best part is that they are paying us $2k, wooot. I'm gonna rush home after work to see em. Anyone want pictures?
Just downloaded Betty novel parts 2 and 3.

Season 2 is shaping up well it seems. Callisto from X-men 3 is in it.

Has anyone watched the behind the scenes videos? Are they any good?