Forgive me for being long winded
That was part of the problem, no real huge "OMG!!" moments you would expect in a season finale. They kept telling you what would happen and then it comes true. The pace of the episode was bad imo, slow most of the way through for a season finale. The flashback/vision that Peter had was a bore and seemed pointless (yeah, I know I didn't read the online stuff, but I shouldn't have to). The big fight at the end was slow, and suprisingly lacking in powers. Wth was Peter punching him in the face for? For a man that can stop unexpected bullets, how can he not stop Peter from hitting him in the face or a dude from running 10 feet and shoving a sword through his chest? Why didn't Sylar just turn people into liquid like he can do, I would like to see Peter heal that. Or use his telekinesis to make their heads explode or something.
Why did Nathan have to show up and fly Peter away, why didn't Peter just fly himself away??? Oh that's right, makes for better drama.
Even the way they killed off Linderman was weak. If this were a comic book (which they are trying for in a lot of ways) that entire scene would have been less than a page. For someone orchestrating a huge corporation intent on controlling the gifted and putting into the white house a puppet, he should have had considerably more time put into his demise. Of course he's probably not dead, but still... Or the dude in the corporation that is the 'heavy lifter', he got tagged from behind and just like that he's gone.
What really bothers me is that Peter has almost unlimited potential and uses very little of it, he just wants to whine and be insecure and afraid. That may make a good character in a drama, but is annoying for a superhero.
Meh, excellent show, was just disappointed in the finale.