Heroes returns!

anime sucks, heroes rocks. i think heroes is fast becoming one of the best shows ever in my opinion. though if they can keep up this high standard for the next few episodes i will be astonished
If the last three episodes (or four, depending on how you view the finale) maintain the standard they've set so far, then Heroes' first season deserves to be considered one of the best seasons of any show, ever. The depth of story, writing, narrative pacing, and cast chemistry (or just the cast, what a freaking cast) are just unmatched right now.
If the last three episodes (or four, depending on how you view the finale) maintain the standard they've set so far, then Heroes' first season deserves to be considered one of the best seasons of any show, ever. The depth of story, writing, narrative pacing, and cast chemistry (or just the cast, what a freaking cast) are just unmatched right now.

Totally agree. They should win some awards for this.
Season 2 will be hard pushed to beat S1. :cool:
Is it wrong that i like Sylar the best?

also i didnt think Hiro could get any more immense until i saw episode 20, amazing!
he's probably the best villain ever. And I mean better than Vader which to me has always been the best villain...
Just downloading Chapter 33 Novel. Looks like it will be good.

I was surprised by the end of this weeks show. Also surprised by Hiros Father as I thought he was a bad guy. Maybe he is? \(^o^)/
But it's heating up for next week!
All I can say is.. Boom!
So no thoughts on the season finale?

I have to say I was mildly disappointed in the episode pretty much from beginning to end.
Why? I thought it was pretty well done, and pretty much what I expected.
I agree. Everything played out exactly as the show has been foreshadowing all season.

I had this same argument with a coworker. The problem is that that buildup and hype was so large that nothing could live up to it.
Just read the latest online Novel. Got to remember they are keeping things going online before S2.

It was a good episode that needed telling. I think we were all expecting more of a kick ass one but this was good storytelling.
Still lots more questions. The old black dude bit was confusing and Molly saw some really bad guy!

What I don't get is how they've been planning this for a long time now, can someone see the Future? Not Isaac I mean. Why not just plant a Nuke and be done with it.