I would say that the pre-cu was the best system... cause i really enjoyed it however when i think about it loads of people that i knew already started leaving for WOW before the cu ever even came so, is it correct to claim that it was such a great system?
Cu no1 really came back, i found it fun again but still people left the game to play other things.
NGE still even more people left before the system even came into effect and through the early stages.. id probably be lieing if i said that i havent pvped as much, if not more than i have in the other two systems and enjoyed it just as much.
Problem is that there are less people now and its pretty obvious that its the community to an extent that makes an online game fun to play.
I still think that if people came and played the game with an open mind and didnt constantly try to dissuade others from playing because they were still mad with SOE/LA then it might become enjoyable for alot of people again.