32 killed on US campus

Now here's what gets me. South Korea feels the need to apologize, have sent diplomats to VT, and apparently their president is going to make some sort of apology in a news conference. Why? The only link that South Korea has to this kid is that he was born there, lived there for eight years, and then spent 15 years in the US. They have no earthly reason to apologize for any of this...for crying out loud.
Meh, it's better to do too much than not enough.
They are/were worried about reprisals or backlash against asians, and anything to ensure peace is a good thing.
Meh, it's better to do too much than not enough.
They are/were worried about reprisals or backlash against asians, and anything to ensure peace is a good thing.

Asians are in good. They have hot women, produce electronics and video games. They don't have anything to worry about.
Now here's what gets me. South Korea feels the need to apologize, have sent diplomats to VT, and apparently their president is going to make some sort of apology in a news conference. Why? The only link that South Korea has to this kid is that he was born there, lived there for eight years, and then spent 15 years in the US. They have no earthly reason to apologize for any of this...for crying out loud.
True, but now there comes a hate wave against south koreans.
True, but now there comes a hate wave against south koreans.

Meh, I don't see it happening and if at all extremely isolated, probably by your typical hate groups. The only reason and ONLY reason, there would be any backlash is because the media jumped on the fact he was born in South Korea and keep pressing the issue, when it has nothing to do with the shootings at all....OMGZERS!!111!!11! South Koreans are terrorizing our campuses!!!!!1 Media is trying to stir shit up so they can get ratings.
are the god hates fags people from that baptist church like the phelps family or something?

they are pretty fucked up tbh
There's no point.

What I mean is, if you are going to kill yourself, you aren't going to accomplish anything for yourself by doing something like that. It doesn't even make any sense. If you are going to kill anyone at all, why not do everyone a favor and kill someone who deserves it? Besides, then you might at least go out as a hero.

People at my school were talking about the shootings very seriously and a number of professors etc. kept mentioning that they thought the shooter's motivation was that he was a social outcast in some way. Well I'm sorry but it's not enough to explain what happened, and I also don't think that anybody can even really tell whatever it was.

I myself think the guy had to have some serious mental issues, maybe scizophrenia (sp?) or somesuch. If I were going to do something similar, and I am NOT going to do any such thing, but *IF* I were, I would try to accomplish something worthwhile in doing so - in fact it would probably be obvious what motivations I had. To do otherwise makes no sense.

Please don't take any of that the wrong way, it was a horrible thing that happened. And it causes the rest of us to live in fear knowing that some idiot could kill you at any time. But really, it could happen anywhere, not just school.
I guess the guy responsible for the UT shootings in Austin so many years ago had a brain tumor.
I don't understand that guys point at all. So he hated spoiled rich people for some reason; so killing a bunch of college students made a difference somehow? Whatever. Just another brain defective psycho I guess.
I don't understand that guys point at all. So he hated spoiled rich people for some reason; so killing a bunch of college students made a difference somehow? Whatever. Just another brain defective psycho I guess.

Well that is the point actually. He was a few waves short of a shipwreck (so to speak). Probably a paranoid schizophrenic. In the few things I've read, he just rambles on aimlessly and never really justifies his accusations, but in his own head, it's all perfectly stated and justified. I doubt there was one thing that set him off, just a conglomerate of things he saw in his own sick mind as evil and he probably just decided one day, well, this has to end.
What I don't understand... In the news they are saying that he bought the gun with 50 bullets. But still he shoot an approximation of 3 bullets per person, what the doctors said in a very sadistic (or disturbed) manner. 29x3=87, not 50. I told one of the journalist here, he said that is what the authorities have said so far, and it doesn't add up. Even if it was 2 bullets, it still goes over 50.

It could be a minor detail, but still a detail.
What I don't understand... In the news they are saying that he bought the gun with 50 bullets. But still he shoot an approximation of 3 bullets per person, what the doctors said in a very sadistic (or disturbed) manner. 29x3=87, not 50. I told one of the journalist here, he said that is what the authorities have said so far, and it doesn't add up. Even if it was 2 bullets, it still goes over 50.

It could be a minor detail, but still a detail.
Another gunman on the grassy knoll?
What I don't understand... In the news they are saying that he bought the gun with 50 bullets. But still he shoot an approximation of 3 bullets per person, what the doctors said in a very sadistic (or disturbed) manner. 29x3=87, not 50. I told one of the journalist here, he said that is what the authorities have said so far, and it doesn't add up. Even if it was 2 bullets, it still goes over 50.

It could be a minor detail, but still a detail.

He had 2 guns. The gun shop owner was talking about the one recently purchased at his shop, which I believe was the 9mm. I heard that he also used a .22 caliber handgun.

I have been following this story as little as possible, because the vapiditiy of the round-the-clock coverage nauseates me almost as much as the event itself saddens me.
He had 2 guns. The gun shop owner was talking about the one recently purchased at his shop, which I believe was the 9mm. I heard that he also used a .22 caliber handgun.

I have been following this story as little as possible, because the vapiditiy of the round-the-clock coverage nauseates me almost as much as the event itself saddens me.
I work on media. ;)

I don't watch the news at home, because everything I can learn here. ^_^