So, how long before Hillary gets up on Capitol hill and blames this on GTA?
Yeah im close to there curious as to why there seems to be a gap of 2 hours between reports of shooting...anyone know what guns he was carrying ??![]()
Officials wont release the type of gun was used.
Two types of guns were used. They haven't said what they are though.
Just to let video game type people know, everyone's favorite anti-game lawyer (Jack Thompson) has already blamed video games for this event.
Yep, he will (hopefully) be disbarred soon.
For the first incident or both?
Haven't said, hell they won't even confirm the two incidents are related yet. Still way too early to know anything.
The early stories are not encouraging at all, saying that it was two hours between incidents, on the other side of campus, and the kids were told to stay in their classrooms after the first incident info got out.
i still haven't been able to get in touch with a few of my friends who go there, but from what the ones i have talked to have said, one class was a french 200 level course, and one was a graduate program with a bunch of TA's in ithalf of the people i know from high school went to tech... almost went there myself
That's the messed up part but I guess the officials didn't know there would be a 2nd shooting. The thing is... if you can't find the first shooter then its safe to say he's still around somewhere..