I'm up to nothing amazing.
School, work, and sleeping with my coworkers.
Studying to be a stylist (yes, hairstylist. I'll wait patiently for the gay jokes). Hoping after I graduate, and get a few years under my belt at a salon, that I can be a stylist for runway models. Would be nice to be a part of the fashion industry that way (waiting patiently for more gay jokes).
Working at a crappy grocery store in the meantime.
Playing a lot, lot, LOT of WoW. God, that game is like crack. Ditching it for SW:TOR when it's released, though.
P.S. Fuck all of you who play WoW, and whined about Ret Pallies. I hate you, because your whining gave me a big, fat nerf. And I bet you're all Warlocks, Rogues, and Druids... overpowered jerks!!!!
School, work, and sleeping with my coworkers.
Studying to be a stylist (yes, hairstylist. I'll wait patiently for the gay jokes). Hoping after I graduate, and get a few years under my belt at a salon, that I can be a stylist for runway models. Would be nice to be a part of the fashion industry that way (waiting patiently for more gay jokes).
Working at a crappy grocery store in the meantime.
Playing a lot, lot, LOT of WoW. God, that game is like crack. Ditching it for SW:TOR when it's released, though.
P.S. Fuck all of you who play WoW, and whined about Ret Pallies. I hate you, because your whining gave me a big, fat nerf. And I bet you're all Warlocks, Rogues, and Druids... overpowered jerks!!!!