What's Everyone Doing

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Trekking around the net because I'm stuck here at work on a sunny Sunday! :(
Plus it's dead with no customers as they are all in the pub opposite! :dry:
Wanting to read the Transformers thread but resisting as the film isn't out here for another 3 weeks!!! :( :cry:
But someone's giving me a copy of the game (which also isn't out!) and I may decide to start playing it.
I'm at work on lunch. We had a meeting today, and the boss asked what everyone was working on. He asked if I was overwhelmed, and everyone was just kind of open-mouthed. I said, you mean you got overwhelmed from listening to the laundry list?
I'm at work on lunch. We had a meeting today, and the boss asked what everyone was working on. He asked if I was overwhelmed, and everyone was just kind of open-mouthed. I said, you mean you got overwhelmed from listening to the laundry list?
LOL :P I'm not on tonight until probably after 5:30 your time so I'll miss you for a while :(
I'm not on until probably 6 or 7 maybe...dunno. I need to work on tapes for Zanax, tapes for Voren, pilotting, oh and tapes for Ninya and Raap.

I'm gonna need about 750 pieces of junk loot just to get it all done. Well - depending on the amount they want!
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