The magic never ends...
Yes, some American men are more cave like then some Euro men. But you know, come here and check out the people from deep within the woods, or far out in the country. You'll find your fair share of cave men here as well. Ugh ugh!No. I will keep my bias!
I had no idea who either of those people were, how'd you know them?
And let's get this straight - we're not talking gay dudes. Gay people are flamboyant, and there's nothing wrong with that (except for the mess they've made out of the fashion world, but that's another story). I'm talking about straight people and where they are on the gay scale, since we all got a little fag in us. Just ask Hakan, as he's had a bunch of AOW fags in him.
American men tend to be more macho, more manly than European men. Australian men are probably more so than American men. Asian men, I don't know, because their penises are so small.

*Ponders* My man is a hunter, he likes the woods, he doesn't dance that well, he ain't feminine what so he an American?!

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