What is with chicks and dancing?

No. I will keep my bias!

I had no idea who either of those people were, how'd you know them? ;)

And let's get this straight - we're not talking gay dudes. Gay people are flamboyant, and there's nothing wrong with that (except for the mess they've made out of the fashion world, but that's another story). I'm talking about straight people and where they are on the gay scale, since we all got a little fag in us. Just ask Hakan, as he's had a bunch of AOW fags in him :).
lol :rolleyes:

American men tend to be more macho, more manly than European men. Australian men are probably more so than American men. Asian men, I don't know, because their penises are so small.
Yes, some American men are more cave like then some Euro men. But you know, come here and check out the people from deep within the woods, or far out in the country. You'll find your fair share of cave men here as well. Ugh ugh! :p

*Ponders* My man is a hunter, he likes the woods, he doesn't dance that well, he ain't feminine what so ever...Hmmm...is he an American?! :o
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Ussualy the dude sweating his ass of in the middle of the dance floor is either a fag or some break dance guy.

Gangsters dont dance we boogie, so *****s run out and get yo cookiees. nahwutimean?
No. I will keep my bias!

I had no idea who either of those people were, how'd you know them? ;)

And let's get this straight - we're not talking gay dudes. Gay people are flamboyant, and there's nothing wrong with that (except for the mess they've made out of the fashion world, but that's another story). I'm talking about straight people and where they are on the gay scale, since we all got a little fag in us. Just ask Hakan, as he's had a bunch of AOW fags in him :).


American men tend to be more macho, more manly than European men. Australian men are probably more so than American men. Asian men, I don't know, because their penises are so small.

at least you are honest and admit you are biased lol :P Anyways you cant say the ppl from europe are higher on gay scale and straight americans are more macho .. thats a complete bullshit satement that i would expect from 20 year olds but not from you tbh :P Have you ever been to Europe at all ? Cause if you talk about machos you should see Italy for example ! And please keep in mind that your forefathers are from Europe lol I think you just have a problem with Europe cause of political things and try to solve your problem by simply stating that europeans are more gay... and when i see european politicans.. shit i could agree with you here... but thats a diffrent story and lets not continue this :)
at least you are honest and admit you are biased lol :P
Of course I'm biased. Everyone is biased towards their own end.
Anyways you cant say the ppl from europe are higher on gay scale and straight americans are more macho .. thats a complete bullshit satement that i would expect from 20 year olds but not from you tbh :P
That's not exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying straight American men are less gay than straight European men.
Have you ever been to Europe at all ?
Not yet :(. But I've been to Canada, which desperately wants to be part of Europe.
Cause if you talk about machos you should see Italy for example !
No see they try to be macho but come off as gay guidos.
And please keep in mind that your forefathers are from Europe lol
Yeah but that's before y'all went apeshit for techno.
I think you just have a problem with Europe cause of political things and try to solve your problem by simply stating that europeans are more gay
No, that's not it. It's just that European dudes are techno-loving nancy boys. :D

No, that's not it. It's just that European dudes are techno-loving nancy boys. :D
lmao ... ok ... i give up .. pointless to continue haha :P
one last thing.. what kinda music do you like ? Must be something you cant dance to .. prolly something you can pogo or headbang to :)
one last thing.. what kinda music do you like ? Must be something you cant dance to .. prolly something you can pogo or headbang to :)
I like pretty much all types of music, even a little techno. The only music I dislike is country. So it depends on the mood: going to bed it's classical. Getting up and working is more alt rock. Working out is more fast-paced techno-esque music.
The best dancing I ever seen is drunken wet t-shirt contest.. feel free to post youtube bits on that :D
at least you are honest and admit you are biased lol :P Anyways you cant say the ppl from europe are higher on gay scale and straight americans are more macho .. thats a complete bullshit satement that i would expect from 20 year olds but not from you tbh :P Have you ever been to Europe at all ? Cause if you talk about machos you should see Italy for example ! And please keep in mind that your forefathers are from Europe lol I think you just have a problem with Europe cause of political things and try to solve your problem by simply stating that europeans are more gay... and when i see european politicans.. shit i could agree with you here... but thats a diffrent story and lets not continue this :)
European men are more feminine, especially Spaniards, Italians, French, and Greeks... mostly the Mediterranean countries of Europe. And yes. I've been there.
I was in Spain and the clubs have guys who are JUST there to dance. Not gay guys either... it's just a different culture. American guys are total homophobes about dancing. Unless they are being goofy and "milkin the cow" or "revvin the lawn mower"... they'd never do it. I'm not saying one or the other is better... but it did make me feel weird when I was in Spain. I'm not use to guys being so... dancey. haha

Dancing aside.. I wouldn't say that Americans are more manly though... that's totally not true. I haven't seen an American city letting bulls loose to stab people thru the chest lately... and that seems way more manly than opting not to dance.

And, it's true about the whole girls going to clubs to dance "for guys"... girls do a lot of things "for guys"... and shakin' your butt, showing them what they can't have... it's empowering, great exercise, and soooo much fun. ;)
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European men are more feminine, especially Spaniards, Italians, French, and Greeks... mostly the Mediterranean countries of Europe. And yes. I've been there.
I don't really agree. I think there is a difference, I agree to that, but that's in culture, and therefor some in how you are, act and dress. But I wouldn't say more feminine, not at all.
(Visiting a country doesn't tell you all about it. Living there, then you get a more accurate view)

It also comes down to what you think is feminine and masculine, which is also, to a point, a cultural thing :)
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Of course I'm biased. Everyone is biased towards their own end.
Correct to a point. But then there are a lot of people who assume and listen to 'gossip' and think that what they assume and hear is the truth. For example, if gossip were true: Reading German gossip columns, our Swedish royal family would have had many many babies and their kids would've been married over and over. None of that's true. it's just gossip. Same with Swedish gossip columns, they are false and I bet not even 10% is true. They write a whole lot about famous people, most from the US. I don't believe half the shit they write, because it's just that, shit.

That's not exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying straight American men are less gay than straight European men.
I think Americans are less accepting towards gay people (in general). But that got nothing to do with being or acting gay. Curious tho, how is a person that acts gay? You seem to know, so enlighten us :)

Not yet :(. But I've been to Canada, which desperately wants to be part of Europe.
You should go on a trip! Much to see, and much to learn :) I really enjoyed living in the States for almost 6 months, learned a lot :)

No see they try to be macho but come off as gay guidos.
Being macho ain't positive in the first place, so why would they try it ;) Being macho is kind of childish and silly.

Yeah but that's before y'all went apeshit for techno.
Techno is great!

No, that's not it. It's just that European dudes are techno-loving nancy boys. :D
lol :rolleyes: There are no techno loving guys over in the US...non at all?! :o Strange, almost all of the guys I met when over there loved it :p
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lol :rolleyes: There are no techno loving guys over in the US...non at all?! :ohmy: Strange, almost all of the guys I met when over there loved it :tongue:
They would tell you that, because they wanted to get into your panties. :shifty:

Personally I like retro 80's pop. Don't like a lot of dance stuff.
They would tell you that, because they wanted to get into your panties. :shifty:
:lol: Hmmm, and exactly how would they get into my panties for liking techno? :huh:
Personally I like retro 80's pop. Don't like a lot of dance stuff.
And retro 80's pop is great to dance to Az :p