What is with chicks and dancing?


New member
Seriously. The only reason any heterosexual man I know goes dancing is to get women. But women... women go apeshit for dancing. Why?

I should give an exception to slow dancing, as that is obviously ok with most men, I believe, though that's just because it puts us in close proximity with women.
If you go dancing just to get women, then you're doing it wrong. :lol:

Dancing isn't so much about the dancing, at least for me it isn't. Nor would I say I'm apeshit for it. Dancing is a part of how I enjoy a certain atmosphere... nice music, good company, a lot of people, feeling social, not a care in the world...

You may be confusing the need to dance with the desire to revel in such a carefree and happy environment.
I should give an exception to slow dancing, as that is obviously ok with most men, I believe, though that's just because it puts us in close proximity with women.
That, and the fact it's pretty easy. And we don't look like flailing monkies.
It's to show off more than anything. It's a "look at me, look what I can do, compared to these other women" thing. It's also because they consider it fun, so it's a win-win for them.
I like to dance but I hate going out so I dance at home mostly.... So for me it is not a "look at me thing" I just like to dance and can't explain why!
Seriously. The only reason any heterosexual man I know goes dancing is to get women. But women... women go apeshit for dancing. Why?

I should give an exception to slow dancing, as that is obviously ok with most men, I believe, though that's just because it puts us in close proximity with women.
Not sure you are entirely correct here...not all men share your point of view, I dare say ;)
I know lots of guys that just do it because they think it's great fun. An ex of mine was real good at dancing and he simply enjoyed it :) And I love it too!
If you go dancing just to get women, then you're doing it wrong. :lol:

Dancing isn't so much about the dancing, at least for me it isn't. Nor would I say I'm apeshit for it. Dancing is a part of how I enjoy a certain atmosphere... nice music, good company, a lot of people, feeling social, not a care in the world...

You may be confusing the need to dance with the desire to revel in such a carefree and happy environment.
I agree with this, and to just go with the flow, the flow of music! ^_^
Another reason women like to dance is because they know men love to watch them... especially if woman is dancing in a seductive manner... then she knows every man in the room has his eyes on her and what woman doesn't love that?
Another reason women like to dance is because they know men love to watch them... especially if woman is dancing in a seductive manner... then she knows every man in the room has his eyes on her and what woman doesn't love that?
One that suffers from claustrophobia, so she dances off in the corner with her girlfriends.
Yeah but with all due respect, the guys you know are European. The guys there aren't really guys. They're more like this dude...

The techno eez zo ztrong I musst DANCE!!
*cough cough* lol, yeah, you think that...:rolleyes:
*Whispers* Pst, the more scared you are about other sexualities then hetro, just proves how insecure you are about your own ;)
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Another reason women like to dance is because they know men love to watch them... especially if woman is dancing in a seductive manner... then she knows every man in the room has his eyes on her and what woman doesn't love that?
True to a point ^_^
I went to a belly dancing course. No men were allowed in the dance studio during reherse. There were reasons for that :rolleyes:
But I must say, a man that really knows how to move his body and dance, nothing is sexier :wub: And guys who can't move, are just envious :p
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*Whispers* Pst, the more scared you are about other sexualities then hetro, just proves how insecure you are about your own ;)
Who said anything about being scared of other sexualities? I wasn't aware that European was, in fact, a sexuality. I was making fun of the difference in cultures whereby European men are much more feminine than American men. Probably has something to do with all the scooters over there.
But I must say, a man that really knows how to move his body and dance, nothing is sexier :wub: And guys who can't move, are just envious :tongue:

This is just more women's propaganda to pressure us men into dancing.
The techno eez zo ztrong I musst DANCE!!

LMAO.. what you dont see in this vid... these guys are most likley on speed or ecstasy... and i doubt they can enter any real good club. And reek pls stop beeing biased about what european men are compared to US men... Its your country that developed the christopher street day.. ever been to san francisco ? and whats up with that chris crocker dude ? LMAO !!! :)
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And reek pls stop beeing biased about what european men are compared to US men
No. I will keep my bias!
Its your country that developed the christopher street day.. ever been to san francisco ? and whats up with that chris crocker dude ? LMAO !!! :)
I had no idea who either of those people were, how'd you know them? ;)

And let's get this straight - we're not talking gay dudes. Gay people are flamboyant, and there's nothing wrong with that (except for the mess they've made out of the fashion world, but that's another story). I'm talking about straight people and where they are on the gay scale, since we all got a little fag in us. Just ask Hakan, as he's had a bunch of AOW fags in him :).


American men tend to be more macho, more manly than European men. Australian men are probably more so than American men. Asian men, I don't know, because their penises are so small.
Who said anything about being scared of other sexualities? I wasn't aware that European was, in fact, a sexuality. I was making fun of the difference in cultures whereby European men are much more feminine than American men. Probably has something to do with all the scooters over there.
lol, no of course it isn't. Just got that feeling from the sound of what's been said, that if you're a good dancer as a man, your a bit of a fag *shrug* And I'm pulling yer leg! ;)
[/color][/b]This is just more women's propaganda to pressure us men into dancing.
Of course! Lots of us women love to see it just as much as you guys like to see women that's good at it ;)
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