What did you want to become as an adult?

I know the feeling... my little one likes being the only one.


A chip off te old bloch huh :D
In roughly chronological order:
Truck Driver
Bulldozer Operator
Crane Operator
Weapon Designer
Physicist (transition to grown-up-ness)
Clinical Psychologist (i.e., Shrink)
Witch Doctor (:lol::rolleyes:)
Military Historian
Generalissimo (revisited)
Weapon Designer (revisited)
King (my wife's interpretation)
Computer Programmer (doh, need to get employed!)
Independently Wealthy (shoulda figured this out earlier)
as a kid i often found myself staring into space at nighttime. Space fascinated me and still does... so I guess i would say astronaut.
Space engineer was one of the things I was thinking about becoming. But that was when I was around 19/20. Still think it would be interesting :)
I had no idea what i wanted to do, thought everything they taught me in school was a pile of shit, but I ended up being a contemporary military historian two years ago.

Hope to fit in a few more jobs though, ain't into writing books... lol
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