What did you want to become as an adult?


The magic never ends...
Most kids have dreams of what they want to become as an adult. What did you wanna be? :)




hmm.....a teacher....yeah not sure how I ended up a system administrator its all a blur of late night gaming and many tequila shooters
hmm.....a teacher....yeah not sure how I ended up a system administrator its all a blur of late night gaming and many tequila shooters

LOL! I didn't see that one coming.

I wanted to be a doctor for a while, it is sort of the family trade.

But then I wanted to be a helicopter pilot in high school for a long time.

Then I wanted to be a Game Designer, but I couldn't afford to go to the school I wanted, so I'm basically doing computer graphics at the local university. It's decent enough, but I still want to fly. ^_^
I started out thinking I wanted to be a lawyer, so I could make all the laws and make sure they were all fair and okay. I stopped when I realized what a lawyer's job really was.

I wanted to teach music to young children for a long time. In college I learned that in order to be a music teacher you need to be a performer - and that killed it for me.

Since then I've wanted to be a cougar researcher, an English Teacher, a Biology teacher, a programmer and a writer.
A Rock Star..that got boring, groupie was mure fun ;)
To work with animals...oh wait, I do that already :)
A famous artist, figure when I die, that'll happen :p
My oldest brother's wife was gonna become an eye surgeon. She was my 'idol' so I wanted to become that as well. Didn't last long tho, soon I wanted to become a photographer and travel around the world, still think I'd like that. Take pictures of wildlife... Veterenarian is also something that I wanted for a short while, but photographer is the one I've always wanted to be :)

(I figured out that I wanted to be a teacher when I was over 20, even tho I played that I was a teacher at a very young age)
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I'm still waiting to grow up :D ... and I hope it never happens and that I will always remain a kid at heart.
I'm still waiting to grow up :D ... and I hope it never happens and that I will always remain a kid at heart.
We are on the same level then. I can be very very childish at times, and that's something my students love :p Well, I like it as well ^_^
Tho, you could still have had dreams as a kid ;)
We are on the same level then. I can be very very childish at times, and that's something my students love :p Well, I like it as well ^_^
Tho, you could still have had dreams as a kid ;)

as a kid i often found myself staring into space at nighttime. Space fascinated me and still does... so I guess i would say astronaut.