What did you get for Christmas?

A new sweatshirt, jeans, rechargable batteries for my wii, super mario galaxy, and a 12 pack of Pabst blue ribbon (thanks brother :P)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension on dvd, the last of the Depeche Mode dvds I didn't have, some funky (and sorely needed) luggage tags from bicyclegifts.com, some dough from the absent grandmother, and a book about the history of flight (named, oddly enough, 'Flight'). Oh, and the '08 Tolkien calendar (a tradition). Avoided the blight of socks and turtlenecks this year, somehow.
A few more cashmere sweater vests, a mysterious cardiac arrest with a week in the hospital and installation of an internal defibrillator, a PSP with SW: Battlefront (Renegade Squadron), a few new cookbooks, corning ware cookset, some large pots, and a new couch!
A few more cashmere sweater vests, a mysterious cardiac arrest with a week in the hospital and installation of an internal defibrillator, a PSP with SW: Battlefront (Renegade Squadron), a few new cookbooks, corning ware cookset, some large pots, and a new couch!

/hugs tight.
Star Wars: Force Unleashed Lego (yeah, I still play with legos :P)

Star Wars: Battlefront II Clone Pack exclusive
Star Wars: Republic Elite Forces Mandalorian/Clone Pack exclusive
Star Wars: Republic Elite Forces Mandalorian/Delta Squad Pack exclusive

G15 keyboard
22in widescreen moniter.
Got a computer (my wife got one as well), some thermal undershirts, skull cap (I like wearin them at work....they are comfortable and warm), and a book of pictures of my wife in lingerie and one with her naked facing away from the camera (mostly naked she has a pair of jeans on nothing up top though)........oh and the best present someone could ever wish for.......a buddy of mine I havent seen in years called me out of the blue. Was really good to get to talk to him again after all this time (was a guy I was in the military with and last time I talked to him was after Sept. 11th when he called to tell us he was OK).

All in all.......a fairly good Christmas for me. Only better one was a couple years ago when my mom did my Great Grandfather, my Grandfather and my military stuff up in some shadow boxes. 3 Generations of warriors was what the tags said on em. Look really nice and have a spot over my fireplace.......hoping to make it 4 one day when my boy gets old enough.
I got what counts the most, a good cosy time with my family ^_^
The gifts were great and I'm very thankful for them, but they could never beat time with family.
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A few more cashmere sweater vests, a mysterious cardiac arrest with a week in the hospital and installation of an internal defibrillator, a PSP with SW: Battlefront (Renegade Squadron), a few new cookbooks, corning ware cookset, some large pots, and a new couch!
Real sorry to hear this. Glad to hear you are doing better:hug:
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A few more cashmere sweater vests, a mysterious cardiac arrest with a week in the hospital and installation of an internal defibrillator, a PSP with SW: Battlefront (Renegade Squadron), a few new cookbooks, corning ware cookset, some large pots, and a new couch!
Hope you feel better now bro, take care of yourself please
If I'm lucky, this will be the box I get:

Aurora 7500 Series
1kW Power Supply
Dual 512 MB Nvdia GeForce 8800 GT SLI Enabled
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400 + Processor w/ hypertransport and dual core technology
2 GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz
Vista Home Premium
500 GB SATA 3GB/s 7.2k RPM, 16MB Cache

Comes with a 20X Dual Layer DVD RW
Dual High Performance Gigabit Ethernet Ports
High-Def 7.1 Performance Audio

Got this ordered today, and I simply can not wait for it to arrive. I now have the best PC in my family - which feels..really odd.