What bikes are good?


Bored to death... maybe...
Well I'm moving to Arlington soon and since I'm going to work in Somerville still I need a mode of transportation. I was going to get my bike fixed, I even went to the bike shop today over near Ball Square. Apparently the bike I have is a POS. It's a Huffy one of those mountain bikes you buy at the department stores. It's in good condition and there are only a few things wrong with it. My chain broke and I lost it so I need a new one and the back brake needs to be fixed up it's not doing too well. It's a moot point though since I really would like a new bike anyway.

Anyhow does anyone know anything about what bikes are good? I need a good sturdy mountain bike that is guaranteed to handle someone over 200 lbs.
Well I'm moving to Arlington soon and since I'm going to work in Somerville still I need a mode of transportation. I was going to get my bike fixed, I even went to the bike shop today over near Ball Square. Apparently the bike I have is a POS. It's a Huffy one of those mountain bikes you buy at the department stores. It's in good condition and there are only a few things wrong with it. My chain broke and I lost it so I need a new one and the back brake needs to be fixed up it's not doing too well. It's a moot point though since I really would like a new bike anyway.

Anyhow does anyone know anything about what bikes are good? I need a good sturdy mountain bike that is guaranteed to handle someone over 200 lbs.

Arlington VA ?...lol..man thats a long way to ride:p /hugz
Get a Trek. If you don't want/need suspension, get a hardtail 820 at roughly $290. If you *do* want suspension, things get a bit more expensive. I'd look at a Fuel EX 5.5, but that thing's near $1400. The 820's plenty bomb-proof, it just won't feel so great blasting downhill. Don't go signing up for the Mt. Washington race :P
The best thing for you to do is to go to a local bike shop, usually called something like Jim's or Randy's or Bob's Bikes or something like that. They will have people who know wtf they're talking about and will steer you in the right direction.

Are you going to be doing trail riding? Or just commuting? Whatever you do, don't get a hybrid. They're awful. They're meant to be OK on trails and OK on the road, but they end up not being great on either.
If you have a question about a specific bike just link it and ask and I'll try to explain it. I used to be big on mountain biking for a while.
Thanks Reek. I actually found a rather inexpensive bike chain online for a total of 15 dollars with shipping. I'm going to buy it next week, money is tight at the moment. I'll continue to use my POS bike until it falls apart. That's the plan so far. :p
Cruise around the richy rich part of town with a pair of bolt cutters, thats how I got my gary fisher a few years back. Garage fishing FTMFW!!:claus:
Nope. I was just going to take off the back wheel put the chain on and then screw the wheel back on. Is there an easier way? :P
Most chains I've seen don't come in a loop. This is so that they can fit different bikes. You have to connect or remove the links when you put it on. Personally when I needed a new chain on my mtn bike I went to the shop, just because they knew exactly how to fit it. Otherwise, using one of these makes it easier:
Soon, we'll have you reading VeloNews.com and getting catalogs from *both* Performancebike.com and Nashbar.com. Make sure you're getting the right chain before you order one, there's way more models than you think there ought to be.
Aye since my POS bike is only a 6 speed mountain bike according to performancebike.com a single speed chain will work.