Bored to death... maybe...
Well I'm moving to Arlington soon and since I'm going to work in Somerville still I need a mode of transportation. I was going to get my bike fixed, I even went to the bike shop today over near Ball Square. Apparently the bike I have is a POS. It's a Huffy one of those mountain bikes you buy at the department stores. It's in good condition and there are only a few things wrong with it. My chain broke and I lost it so I need a new one and the back brake needs to be fixed up it's not doing too well. It's a moot point though since I really would like a new bike anyway.
Anyhow does anyone know anything about what bikes are good? I need a good sturdy mountain bike that is guaranteed to handle someone over 200 lbs.
Anyhow does anyone know anything about what bikes are good? I need a good sturdy mountain bike that is guaranteed to handle someone over 200 lbs.