....Listening to this cool new band called BAM
My humps, my humps, my humps...( Y )
That'd be your hands typing... not the keyboard.im listening to the keyboard - "typing"
steal everyone's mouseNothing... it's quiet...
I'm at work, and I'd swear I have the whole 3rd floor to myself...
More intently staring I betUSA - "USA vs. Switzerland - Women's Hockey"
USA, 6-0. Sorry Merlywho won?
we were too busy watching season 1 of babylon 5
currently listening to , computers hum, husband hack up a lung and the sound of my fingers hitting the wrong keys as I try to type.
USA, 6-0. Sorry MerlyCanada won its first game though, by a frickin' landslide. But that's what the host-country gets when they admittedly suck at hockey.
I like Canadians.I am rooting for Canada cuz I AM CANADIAN!!!