Times have changed


Uber Pheesh
With SWTOR around the corner, a lot of the people from Wanderhome seem to be getting back together.

I keep on thinking back to when I played SWG, what I was like back then, and just wondering at the changes in me.

I don't post on forums as much as I used to for starters. ;) But usually what i post contains useful information now. I also have to be responsible with my posts at times (ie: http://www.curseforge.com/announcements/ <-- I make announcements now).

I still work with the same organization, but doing a different job (which I hate) but I've changed from a single bachelor to a man living with someone with 4 cats and a freakin dog (Yes 5 freakin animals, 4 of them under the age of 1 and a half).

I learned what it was like to have a game with content in it (WoW over SWG) then realized how terrible it was. :P

I still keep in touch with a few people from back then, there's some more I would have loved to stay in touch with, but alas time moves on.

I think the biggest change for me has been moving from being known as Ackis the Droid Engineer to Ackis the mod writer.

Little bit of a melancholy post, but hey, w/e eh? :P
I think we all look back at our time in SWG and reflect upon who we were back then and who we are now. For most of us, SWG was a huge part of our lives. With SWTOR around the corner, I have come in contact with some old friends from SWG and we plan on reuniting. It is a really exciting time to say the least. I quit WOW long time ago and haven't been playing any MMO's since then but I am the same Ultimo that I was from the first day of SWG (except I don't trash talk in pvp anymore :P ). I don't post much either except in the SWTOR forums here on the site. I usually post updates from BW's site (when exupery doesn't beat me to it) but that's about it. Damn you Ackis, now I am feeling melancholy :o
Not a melancholoy post at all sir, the times certainly DO change Mr. Ackis...

Lets see, where was I during the wondrous days of SWG? In high school and working part time. Also during that time spent my every waking moment enjoying what was probably the best gaming experience I have ever had.

Since then I have tried to keep in touch with a few of the people I met in SWG and have done so semi-successfully, but I believe most have went on their own paths. I was regretably an avid WOWer since it's release, I believe I also quit that game and started to play it again about 4 times. I have been completely WOW sober since August, 2009. Had a level 80 douchebag gnome rogue decked with everything I could want and realized I have repeated that process too many times to even log in again.

They say once you become addicted to a drug you are always chasing that first high. Could that possibly be true for this circumstance? I hope not, but the again here I am on a Friday night, pissed off because the SWGEmu website and server is down and trying to waste some time until it comes back up so I can go grind RIFLEMAN lmao..

I gave up some of the gaming for college (well mostly..), realizing that no video game will ever replace an education, and I am now about to be in my Junior year of college at the University of Georgia and I will soon be engaged to a girl that I have been dating for 5.5 years, (ALMOST AS LONG AS I HAVE BEEN PLAYING MMO's..).. lol I have a new dog(8mo old German Shepherd. Named Charlie), have a job, which is something to be thankful for at the present time, and only play Xbox Live and SWGEmu when it is functional. However, I do plan on playing SWG : TOR, but I am more enthused about meeting up with old Wanderhomies and guild members.

I am really just hoping to be able to meet up with you guys, either on SWGEmu or TOR, and possibly pwn a few Wanderhomie rebels that I have been patiently waiting for since I left Wanderhome.

Until then, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, or Merry whatever you celebrate and also a Happy New Year.
Oooh I like posts like these.

Back then I was at the same company, but a few levels lower on the totem poll. Now I'm the team lead for the crew, and enjoy having minions. A couple of them are gamers, and I do some MW2 after work once in awhile.

In the meantime, I finished my little book, and am working on getting it published through a publishing house of a friend of mine. (Ackis I know I still need to mail yours LAWL - I'm terrible at post offices.) Also have a nice story in my head for a second book.

I will be playing TOR, and STO. (In fact we preordered. Just waiting to be in beta).

I'm still married to Voren (dear God it's almost been 10 years). We have a kitten that's less than a year old who is positively insane.

Life is good; wanderhome is missed. I rarely talk to people from here sadly.
Glad to hear you and Voren are still married and doing well, Tiv! ^_^

Congrats on finishing a book, that's my current goal after dropping out of college to help out my recently divorced mother.