The most kinky place that you've done it...(NSFW)

A chocolate fondue set + paintbrushes = edible poetry.
Oh dear, yes! :wub: :drool:
And placing strawberries over the body and need to say more, but that's a great way to do it :whistling:
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In a church (at night)
In a police station.

Was that the same night... get arrested at church for having sex perhaps? Then a lil somethin' to "get out of jail free"? ;) har har

For me it was the beach at night on a picnic table and on a trampoline at a party. I could list more... but I won't. :cool:
I'm not sure I should post to this thread and tell the truth, I think I might have to actually give you a couple from lower down the list, as you prolly wouldn't beleive some of them :)

So I'm going to miss a couple and go in at number 3...

3.. Outside my apartment in the street, as I couldn't find me keys quick enough and things were gettng urgent.

4.. On the floor, surrounded by about 5000 people at a rave (ok I was young and the drugs were strong).

5. In a car, whilst driving, through rush hour traffic.

Sorry, not giving 1 & 2, some things are best kept to yourself :)
Embarassing moment?

Embarassing moment?

Has any of guys ever had an embarassing moment having someone walking in on you or simular? :cool:
Has any of guys ever had an embarassing moment having someone walking in on you or simular? :cool:

My mom.

My mom put her car in the shop and my dad dropped her off so she could borrow my car.
My gf had spent the night and we were having fun when she came in the house and opened my bedroom door.

Ultimo who was my roommate at the time can confirm.
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I dunno about embarassing but here's a disgusting, yet funny little story. I was hanging out at Phaded's house, I basically lived there for a summer, and I decided it would be a good idea to have my girlfriend come over, several of our other friends were there as well. So my girlfriend, who was a total freak, decides she wants to bone, and of course, I didn't refuse her. So we're going at it on a futon in Phaded's bedroom, and it's worth mentioning that I had been with this girl for at least a year previous so we weren't using a condom. We were using the "pull out" method, so I finished up and we put our clothes back on and opened the door, and in comes some of my friends with some weed and we're gonna smoke. So my buddy, we'll call him Nick, starts yawning and before I can stop him throws himself down on the futon, pretty much face first talking about how tired he is. Well, unbeknownst to me, while employing the "pull out" method, I managed to, ummm, how should I put this, deploy some "shrapnel" all over the futon matress and Nick had just went into it, face first. The poor bastard. After running into the bathroom and washing his face for about a half an hour and probably throwing up repeatedly, he came back in the room to find us all still laughing hysterically at his misfortune. We still tell that story to this day and laugh our asses off about it, well, Nick probably wouldn't laugh if he was around, but the rest of us still get a kick out of it.
I guess I'd have to go with behind/under a roller coaster at Cedar Point and in the back of a bus.

Embarrassing would have to be when my girlfriends sister came flying into her room and said "Can you fucking keep it down?!"
I dunno about embarassing but here's a disgusting, yet funny little story. I was hanging out at Phaded's house, I basically lived there for a summer, and I decided it would be a good idea to have my girlfriend come over, several of our other friends were there as well. So my girlfriend, who was a total freak, decides she wants to bone, and of course, I didn't refuse her. So we're going at it on a futon in Phaded's bedroom, and it's worth mentioning that I had been with this girl for at least a year previous so we weren't using a condom. We were using the "pull out" method, so I finished up and we put our clothes back on and opened the door, and in comes some of my friends with some weed and we're gonna smoke. So my buddy, we'll call him Nick, starts yawning and before I can stop him throws himself down on the futon, pretty much face first talking about how tired he is. Well, unbeknownst to me, while employing the "pull out" method, I managed to, ummm, how should I put this, deploy some "shrapnel" all over the futon matress and Nick had just went into it, face first. The poor bastard. After running into the bathroom and washing his face for about a half an hour and probably throwing up repeatedly, he came back in the room to find us all still laughing hysterically at his misfortune. We still tell that story to this day and laugh our asses off about it, well, Nick probably wouldn't laugh if he was around, but the rest of us still get a kick out of it.
Well, not as bad and funny as yours Big, but still:
When I was 19, me and my bf at the time went up to my room. I was still living at home and my parents has a lot of neighbours (sp?) living close by. We had some fun up there in my room, and lets just say we weren't that quiet. My parents weren't in. I knew they were out doing something.

When we were going at it, and both my ex and I were making sounds of different sorts, I hear a cough. And then my mothers silent whisper outside the window: 'Jen, maybe you should close the window...'
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While I was with my gf at the time, her mom walked in her room because we late for school. I was doing her from behind spooning. We were under the blankets so I didn't see the need to stop(although I had to move slower) while her mom was standing at the door 5 feet away yelling at her.
While I was with my gf at the time, her mom walked in her room because we late for school. I was doing her from behind spooning. We were under the blankets so I didn't see the need to stop(although I had to move slower) while her mom was standing at the door 5 feet away yelling at her.
Man, that's****d up! :rolleyes: