I dunno about embarassing but here's a disgusting, yet funny little story. I was hanging out at Phaded's house, I basically lived there for a summer, and I decided it would be a good idea to have my girlfriend come over, several of our other friends were there as well. So my girlfriend, who was a total freak, decides she wants to bone, and of course, I didn't refuse her. So we're going at it on a futon in Phaded's bedroom, and it's worth mentioning that I had been with this girl for at least a year previous so we weren't using a condom. We were using the "pull out" method, so I finished up and we put our clothes back on and opened the door, and in comes some of my friends with some weed and we're gonna smoke. So my buddy, we'll call him Nick, starts yawning and before I can stop him throws himself down on the futon, pretty much face first talking about how tired he is. Well, unbeknownst to me, while employing the "pull out" method, I managed to, ummm, how should I put this, deploy some "shrapnel" all over the futon matress and Nick had just went into it, face first. The poor bastard. After running into the bathroom and washing his face for about a half an hour and probably throwing up repeatedly, he came back in the room to find us all still laughing hysterically at his misfortune. We still tell that story to this day and laugh our asses off about it, well, Nick probably wouldn't laugh if he was around, but the rest of us still get a kick out of it.