The Greatest Freak Out Ever


Fried Yoda
Staff member
At first I thought these were staged. Sometimes I still do. Especially the first one. After he started making those high pitches velociraptor shrieks, I was convinced it was fake. Anyway, apparently this kid doesn't have a mental disorder. He just has a really short fuse. This is what happens when his mom cancels his WoW subscription:

Then I saw part 2, and that was pretty hillarious. Pretty much his brother fucking with him online.

But he's just a typical American boy. At 16 he gets a car, just like most American 16 year olds...

But even if he failed at video games and at trucks, there's always guitar...

Alas, all this anger needs to get it's energy from somewhere. Steven needs some food...
That is one major freak out on the first clip. He shoved the remote in his ass for a second!? Is that a side effect of his medication?
Yeah, the remote in the ass made me think it was fake. I mean, i've had fits of rage where i've punched things, i've seen others have fits of rage where they scream uncontrollably, but to stick a remote in one's ass out of anger? Yeah.... Nevertheless, vids 2-5 are hillarious
I think that's staged. He isn't very violent or menacing for someone who has that much anger (atleast in my experiences) and nobody in the videos really tries to *stop* him. I dunno.. just seems to much of a controlled environment and its too similiar to some other videos floating around out there. /shrug

But yea.. if that's real..

1) He has issues
2) His parents suck at being parents
3) His brother is an ass
These are staged...been posted in several places, especially the first one. The best one I've heard is the kid that cusses his mom out because she won't bring him chocolate milk.