the curse is broken

Neils Bohr

New member
For those of you wondering, "Star Trek" is an incredible movie. If you haven't read any of the spoiler articles out there, know that there is an ingenious solution to any problems with continuity one might think of. This is the first odd-numbered Trek film that kicked ass instead of sucking it.
The curse was not broken. The only thing that made me give it a mediocre rating was J.J. Abrams' ability to inject a shitload of awesome action into a movie. Everything else about it sucked. The storyline, the plot, the acting, it was all a crappy attempt to redefine Star Trek from something that focused on science, philosophy, and character to something that focused on shiny lights and explosions. Gene is turning in his grave seeing that his vision has turned into a whole bunch of unnecessary fluff.
The curse was not broken. The only thing that made me give it a mediocre rating was J.J. Abrams' ability to inject a shitload of awesome action into a movie. Everything else about it sucked. The storyline, the plot, the acting, it was all a crappy attempt to redefine Star Trek from something that focused on science, philosophy, and character to something that focused on shiny lights and explosions. Gene is turning in his grave seeing that his vision has turned into a whole bunch of unnecessary fluff.

Gene was a shitty writer and you know it.
The trailer told me all I needed to know.

I knew it wasn't going to be "Star Trek" despite the movie's name. But I knew it was going to be chock o block full of action and coolness and hot people. And probably a lot of fun. I wasn't disappointed. But I liked it.

But this is Star Trek for people who didn't like Star trek in the first place. Nor do I think it's a permanent direction for the franchise. It's Star Trek for the Bush era.

And like the world we live in, someday the science, nuance and moral quandry will be back. So I'm not bothered.
I'm not really into star trek nor do I know a fucking thing about it lol, but this movie was awesome.
I'm not really into star trek nor do I know a fucking thing about it lol, but this movie was awesome.

I've always hated Star Trek for the most part, but this movie was pretty cool.

And I think this movie was designed for a different target audiance (like me).

This summed it up pretty good I thought.

It was a good movie, but I can't say it was great since I was a fan of some of the older Star Trek stuff. It was just too weird for me to see new people playing the roles of characters I know, and doing it in such a different way.

Certainly better than most movies lately, which is why I went to the theater to see it in the first place.

The curse was not broken. The only thing that made me give it a mediocre rating was J.J. Abrams' ability to inject a shitload of awesome action into a movie. Everything else about it sucked. The storyline, the plot, the acting, it was all a crappy attempt to redefine Star Trek from something that focused on science, philosophy, and character to something that focused on shiny lights and explosions. Gene is turning in his grave seeing that his vision has turned into a whole bunch of unnecessary fluff.

Yeah, it was good for an action movie, but was seriously lacking in other areas. Maybe because I was sick (literally), or maybe it was just that thin, but I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it as the rest of the audience was. Seriously, at least 20-some people next to me got really into it laughing at that weird alien that sits on high things and stuff like that.

I think if they make this into a series it could have some potential, not sure how much. But even though it kinda bothered me, the characters being a bit different could make a show more interesting.

SPOILER (maybe): It was a bit too typical to have the plot around "let's save the earth". It's like, there aren't enough movies where we gotta save earth... again...
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I thought it was a decent enough action film, but was not a good Trek film. The plot was pretty flimsy, in particular the bad guy which I thought was awful! Thought some of the "regular" crew members were a bit weak in terms of acting too. Their performances should have jumped out at you but in reality they fade in to the background.

Regardless, i am keeping an open mind. It was a complete reboot so have to bear that in mind. Lets see what happens in the next one and if they can up the standard a bit

Also i watched this at an IMAX theatre. I want one!!
an imax. unless you are talking about a spaceship with a holodeck in, then itd have to be the spaceship
The curse was not broken. The only thing that made me give it a mediocre rating was J.J. Abrams' ability to inject a shitload of awesome action into a movie. Everything else about it sucked. The storyline, the plot, the acting, it was all a crappy attempt to redefine Star Trek from something that focused on science, philosophy, and character to something that focused on shiny lights and explosions. Gene is turning in his grave seeing that his vision has turned into a whole bunch of unnecessary fluff.

As much as you nerds hate change I can't imagine how any of you have even lost your virginity. :) It was a good movie and thank god there was no Shatner cameo. I'll quote Orson Scott Card: "Gene Roddenberry was a terrible writer..."

Change is good, but not when you toss out over 40 years of canon spread across 6 TV series and 10 motion pictures. By destroying Vulcan everything post-Enterprise (TOS thru Voyager, and all the movies) gets fucked. Its like taking Star Wars and deciding to sex it up and make it more badass by making a new movie that pre-dates ANH, and in that movie Tatooine is blown up instead of Alderaan and Luke gets eaten by the dark side. Granted it would be cool as shit to watch Luke run around the galaxy spiking babies onto his lightsaber and raping Twi-leks but it wouldn't be Star Wars.
By destroying Vulcan everything post-Enterprise (TOS thru Voyager, and all the movies) gets fucked...

Yeah, but, this is Star Trek. They can just time travel and fix it, or say it was all in the holodeck, or all a dream. Thereby making the entire movie pointless, but it's a Star Trek thing. XD