Maybe he'd do it if you spelled his name right.Would it be possible for you to make a Vanguard Forum similar to that of EQ2 and WoW. No rush or anhing just when you can get around to it
Maybe he'd do it if you spelled his name right.
Edited again.My typing skills have always been horrid and you know this. I noticed I spelled it wrong as well but I couldn't edit the topic title or if I could I didn't notice. Get off my nuts... Im just now having my morning coffee. Haven't you noticed that almost everyone of my posts has a edit attached to it? Trust me they are there for a reason
done hunteres
done hunteres
Edited again.
Seriously can we just go ahead and nuke that northern shat hole now? Im just after Cahnuuk the rest of the Canadian populace that gets killed by the intial assualt and nuclear winter can be chalked up as "collateral damage".
..|.. Cahnuuk
This post has been edited by Huntress: Today, 12:41 PM
Honestly, you make this too easy.
Edited so you might actually find me, nancy boy.Seriously you're making me want to drive to the airport, buy a ticket, fly to Buffalo, locate your house, knock on the door and put my foot up your ass...h34r:
Edited so you might actually find me, nancy boy.
Soo... Huntress... Cahnuuk is your wife then?
Hey Huntress... you spelt Stav's name wrong in the subject btw.
Before. Spoooooky.When the hell did you move to Buffalo? And I hope you placed the Nancy Boy after reading the reply to your other post in Ultimos thread because if not... wow irony.
Before. Spoooooky.