Star Wars MMO: A Hew Hope?


It sounds entirely plausible if you read this...

BioWare MMORPG confirmed as KOTOR 3? Source: Little-known game-news site
What we heard: In March 2006, veteran Canadian developer BioWare announced it was opening a satellite studio in Austin, Texas to prep a mysterious massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Within minutes of the announcement, rumors were already flying that the top-secret project was the third installment in the award-winning Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series.
Such speculation was fueled further by the fact lead designer James Ohlen performed the same duties on the original KOTOR and several senior members of the studio worked on the Star Wars MMORPG Star Wars: Galaxies. Also, right around the time of the BioWare announcement, Star Wars license holder LucasArts confirmed that it was approached by developers about working an all-new Star Wars MMORPG, but declined to elaborate.
However, rumors of a KOTOR MMORPG petered out, thanks to BioWare's successful attempts to keep virtually every detail about the game under wraps. Now though, they are back, thanks to Primotechnology's claims--which are the first to directly cite a source with knowledge of BioWare Austin's inner workings.
"A source close to BioWare confirmed to us today that the studio's upcoming untitled massively-multiplayer online RPG will be centered around the Star Wars universe, specifically that of Knights of the Old Republic, which the developer released in 2003," read the report. Primotechnology went on to point out the popularity of Star Wars: Galaxies--which was released in 2003 and drastically revised in 2005--is waning. "It's estimated that the game now has fewer than 100,000 subscribers and less than 20,000 active players," said the site without sourcing the numbers.
The official story: In a recent interview, BioWare co-CEOs Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk steadfastly refused to comment on their MMORPG's subject matter (although they did say it was already in playable form). LucasArts followed suit. "LucasArts doesn't comment on rumors or speculation," said the PR rep tasked with handling the publisher's MMORPG efforts.
Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus that anything's been officially confirmed. And with only Primotechnology's word to go on, there's not enough for a concrete call either way. One thing is for certain, though: A KOTOR MMORPG would be huge. Besides being the stuff of nerd fantasies, the game would have a good chance of stealing away weary World of Warcraft players by offering both a sci-fi MMORPG alternative and BioWare's impeccable pedigree.
It's also worth noting that when Electronic Arts bought BioWare/Pandemic for $860 million earlier this month, it cited the BioWare MMORPG as one of the three main motivators for the deal. Ironically, such an arrangement could see EA developing a game for sometime-rival LucasArts--which it dwarfs in size--to publish.
Umm, It's like designing and building a new car things take time.
No shit sherlock! :p

I was referring to the ones that have seemed to be in development for ages already and still a long way off.

Dumb thing is all the next big ones are likely going to come out close together. :rolleyes:
Good finally. I just hope they dont try to make KOTOR combat work online. Just give me a more soloable version of wow with SWG skins and I think I'd be happy for the 5hr's a week I'll play it...

I hope its not rumor. I remember 3 months before the NGE was released the post that said "My friends sisters boyfriend works for swg and jedi is gonna be a starting profession". We all said bs, rumor, blah blah. Now look...
Not to be mean.. or make anyone upset... but I believe there refering to the Bioshock MMO coming out that's been talked about for awhile now.. I highly doubt Bioware is setting up two MMO releases within a year of each other.. Just a thought..

Good finally. I just hope they dont try to make KOTOR combat work online. Just give me a more soloable version of wow with SWG skins and I think I'd be happy for the 5hr's a week I'll play it...

I hope its not rumor. I remember 3 months before the NGE was released the post that said "My friends sisters boyfriend works for swg and jedi is gonna be a starting profession". We all said bs, rumor, blah blah. Now look...

The sole point of an MMO is to remove sole experience, lol.
No i disagree, while a MMO should encourage team work it should not totally disvalid sole play. Many ppl still enjoys to play the lone wolf , thats one of the reasons i loved swg. Plus the whole raid stuff gets boring pretty fast.
Taken from BioWare's Gordon Walton at AGDC:
One thing that WoW is frequently recognized for is its solo play. Walton's fourth lesson was: support this, because gamers want it. According to Walton, older games that forced players into groups missed the point: "[the] truth is that people soloed every game to the best they could and when they couldn't anymore, they quit. Embracing solo play that was a true innovation for WoW."

It was pointed out that players who hit the level cap are pretty much forced to group in WOW; Walton still felt like the game "feels like it's a level playing field for all people at that level" and thus isn't quite as sinful as it could be. He offered a Blizzard quote on the solo issue -- "We look at soloing as our casual game." Given the weight of the phrase "casual game" in 2007, you can bet the audience was scribbling that one down.
Taken from BioWare's Gordon Walton at AGDC:


Altho i agree with his points mostly, hes exaggerating WoW becoz of the finacial success of WoW. What hes not seeing is, a substantial part of WoW's success lies in the incompetence of its competitors.

For the innovation part its not a biggie, when they realize a MMO needs to come close to RL mechanics they will solve the riddle.
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That's an interview with a bioware guy.. about the buying of there company by EA.. towards the end they slightly talk about a super secret MMO.. that wasnt bioshock like i orginally thought.. but there supposely already playing it.. lol..
I can't help but think that if it was an original IP owned by Bioware they'd own up to it and put the rumors to rest. I'd also say I'm a bit biased though.

On the other hand no matter what the game turns out to be the fact that people are rumoring that it's a new SW MMO gives it more hype than just about anything else, no matter what it is. If they admitted it was an original IP I doubt we would be talking much about it.