star citizen dogfight gameplay footage


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2nd vid is actual screen recording. 1st person view of climbing into the cockpit, more fighting and some upclose shots coming into contact with space debris

the Hangar
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I have to wonder if you can customize your character and see your customized character in first person when you get into the cockpit, or if everybody is the "same person". Also, I wonder whether you can scramble into the cockpit faster (perhaps by holding the sprint key) as you would in a life-or-death situation. Still, that is a pretty epic feature.

There was also a comment mentioning another space game in development, which looks interesting: Limit Theory (Though it doesn't look as good overall, and will probably be singleplayer only, it might be fun to play for it's own reasons.)
for 4 million they will add in character customization lol :P but anyways i'll probably check it out.. so who is getting h1z1 in 2 weeks??????
I have to wonder if you can customize your character and see your customized character in first person when you get into the cockpit, or if everybody is the "same person". Also, I wonder whether you can scramble into the cockpit faster (perhaps by holding the sprint key) as you would in a life-or-death situation. Still, that is a pretty epic feature.

There was also a comment mentioning another space game in development, which looks interesting: Limit Theory (Though it doesn't look as good overall, and will probably be singleplayer only, it might be fun to play for it's own reasons.)
not sure yet, the process of getting back in after a death does seem kinda slow, but this is still in development so many things can and will change
limit theory looks pretty cool too...I was about to complain there are no updates on that game but it seems the only stuff is coming outa the youtube channel