So I got hit by a car

was the car level 60?

Oh man. I got a great laugh outta that. Thank you.

I actually almost killed some dumb ass leaving a Taco Bell yesterday. I was going about 40 and this idiot tries to pull out of a Taco Bell heading the wrong way on a one way street. I left some bitching tire marks and a cloud of smoke, but didn't hit anything and was surprised I didn't get rear ended. He was clearly not "good to go."
Oh man. I got a great laugh outta that. Thank you.

I actually almost killed some dumb ass leaving a Taco Bell yesterday. I was going about 40 and this idiot tries to pull out of a Taco Bell heading the wrong way on a one way street. I left some bitching tire marks and a cloud of smoke, but didn't hit anything and was surprised I didn't get rear ended. He was clearly not "good to go."

Wicked yer ok, Curse.

Ya can sue people just fer the scare. I know of people that have done that.

Adrenaline pumps in with every scare, it can hide other symptoms. So next time let them get you Medical attention even if ya feel alright.
I got hit by a car in my high school parking lot but didn't take any serious injuries. Just a couple small scrapes. I said I'm okay and don't worry I won't sue or anything.

At some point my mom mentioned years later that she thought the driver was going to try to sue *me* because it was a nice car and my jeans ended up with some paint on them from the car.

Well turns out I was top heavy because of my stupid backpack full of shitty books, so I did actually flip over and scrape my head a bit, but anyway, like I said nothing serious. And I went to the hospital shortly after to make sure.

I was like this huge joke at school for like a week - people talking about how *I* ran into the car when really I was running and we (driver and me) both had a blind spot because of a huge ass van and he was going decently fast and I was running to make it to class on time (I can only assume he was driving because of the same - we were both running late).

In any case, I wasn't hurt and I'm glad you weren't, and nobody got sued or had serious damage in my case and from what I hear same in yours so I'm happy for you lol
Those stories that people talk about for a week on end were awesome as hell especially when it gets turned into about 8 other things that had nothing to do with it lol.
Reminds me of the time I was riding on the shoulder while everyone in the road was stopped at a light. Some senile old man jerks his car onto the shoulder and pins me up against the curb to the point where I had like 3" to ride.

Since I was on a mountain bike my hand was dead level with a mirror and when he realised I was there and hit the brakes my hand punched his mirror off.

He rolled down there window and gos "What the hell are you doing?" With this stunned look on his face. I just looked back and started screaming "Wtf are YOU doing you dumb old cunt. Your just drove your fucking car into me."

He sat there completely dumb founded and I rode away.
Reminds me of the time I was riding on the shoulder while everyone in the road was stopped at a light. Some senile old man jerks his car onto the shoulder and pins me up against the curb to the point where I had like 3" to ride.

Since I was on a mountain bike my hand was dead level with a mirror and when he realised I was there and hit the brakes my hand punched his mirror off.

He rolled down there window and gos "What the hell are you doing?" With this stunned look on his face. I just looked back and started screaming "Wtf are YOU doing you dumb old cunt. Your just drove your fucking car into me."

He sat there completely dumb founded and I rode away.

LOL that's like one of those things I usually wish I'd have said after the fact, but by then it's usually too late XD