I got hit by a car in my high school parking lot but didn't take any serious injuries. Just a couple small scrapes. I said I'm okay and don't worry I won't sue or anything.
At some point my mom mentioned years later that she thought the driver was going to try to sue *me* because it was a nice car and my jeans ended up with some paint on them from the car.
Well turns out I was top heavy because of my stupid backpack full of shitty books, so I did actually flip over and scrape my head a bit, but anyway, like I said nothing serious. And I went to the hospital shortly after to make sure.
I was like this huge joke at school for like a week - people talking about how *I* ran into the car when really I was running and we (driver and me) both had a blind spot because of a huge ass van and he was going decently fast and I was running to make it to class on time (I can only assume he was driving because of the same - we were both running late).
In any case, I wasn't hurt and I'm glad you weren't, and nobody got sued or had serious damage in my case and from what I hear same in yours so I'm happy for you lol