What's dumber is blacklisting a company for one mistake. SWG does not = SOE. About a fourth of SOE's total subscriber base actually gave a shit about the NGE. SOE has done an awesome job with EQ2 in regards to reversing its downward spiral early on. EQ was another great accomplishment of SOE. The upcoming voice chat system SOE revealed is another great feature SOE has brought. The new spy-based MMO (its name escapes me right now) looks like a bad ass casual game. I hardly see how ruining ONE game is a logical and realistic reason to hate an entire company. (humor begins here)Unless of course your ignorant, and if you're ignorant you're most likely a racist. Take your cross-burning hood-wearing KKK antics out of Wanderhomies, you racist! (humor ends here)
I think it's called The Agency if I remember correctly. It does look pretty fun from what I've seen so far.