are you guys serious lol tyhe good games are coming out like now and shortly lol in 2007 the games scheduled to release in playstation network are littlebig planet home and from what im looking at now it says warhawk? hmm ill have to look into that and actual ps3 games are GTA IV, MGS4, DMC4, COD4, Heavenly Sword, Army of Two, Haze, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, new Rachet and Clank, Turok, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune(which the trailer looks awsome but still iffy about that one), Unreal 3, and the best for last FFXIII and FFXI vs. seriously come on the ps3 is worth the 600 hands down with everything it has on it and what u can do with it. the 60 dollar games if anything is what should be complained about but they are still going to be 60 mostly when they come out. now the games already out that i have and enjoy playing are Genji, Fight Night, and a game i just bought The Godfather Don's Edition. which for being a GTA sorta knock off type is really really good and fun to play. resistance did get old fast and i much rather play gears and i dont even own a 360 . i also enjoy playing super rub a dub and i am not afraid to admit it lol lemmings and rampart are also enjoyable in small portions hehe the games are great and if u love playstation and playstation type games and have the money to spend on it then u should get it if u dont and u have to wait for the price to come down i understand but for those THAT DO have the money and are just waiting for the price to come down then all you are prolonging is the satisfaction of having and playing a system where u can play music, video, Cds, Dvds, HD Dvd, and blu-ray, browse the internet with 5 different windows(not positive may be more), AND AND AND help cure disease with the use of the folding @ home download, now even if u dont like enough of the games out now if u have $600 and theres at least one game u like when u arnt playing that game or EVEN IF UR NOT AT HOME u can be help curing CANCER and other diseases so now if a price drop was to come it would be like 50-150 about if i had to guess so if u donate that to cancer research then whats the problem with getting a ps3 huh?