Post a pic of yourself!

Okay I think this thread needs a little less creepy gayness :p, and a little more pics of hotties.

I have to agree with Epise that every girl I've ever seen pics of from SWG has been good looking. Although I think the only ones I ever remember seeing are Zana, Ker-ri, and Destinee/Dysire :D

Believe me, that's not far off me! :mellow:
But replace suit for 100 Star Wars t-shirts and jeans

Maybe I should buy this!
Okay I think this thread needs a little less creepy gayness :p, and a little more pics of hotties.

I have to agree with Epise that every girl I've ever seen pics of from SWG has been good looking. Although I think the only ones I ever remember seeing are Zana, Ker-ri, and Destinee/Dysire :D
Search around these forums a little bit and you can come up with a pic of Syntaxx and of Mikalale....

Still waiting on that pm know the one with your picture in it :cool:
Search around these forums a little bit and you can come up with a pic of Syntaxx and of Mikalale....

Still waiting on that pm know the one with your picture in it :cool:
lol speaking of PMing pics.. AZ got a 3am pic if a guy can survive that, they can survive anything

and good luck getting that pic.. that would be like getting Tempists real picture
here is the most recent pic I was able to find of me. It was taken a week or so ago while saran wrapping a co-workers car. *grin*

As was mentioned before, WH was filled with RL good looking women, damn we were spoiled.
It is the most popular one on my myspace.

I am currently trying to figure out how to top this one, but I cannot think of one filled with more self-humor and embarrassment without getting obscene.

Could shave your leggs....or wear heels...*hides*