I feel like i'm at a family reunion, except with canadians.
I know I have taken 3 showers so far and still feel 'dirty'.
that kind of dirty - just never goes away. Feels better than the IIA reunion though. I'll never get over it...
Actually reading this sort of reminds me of what an IIA reunion would be like...scary. Must be why I got along with the Nexus people so well, they were as tapped as us.h34r:
Actually reading this sort of reminds me of what an IIA reunion would be like...scary. Must be why I got along with the Nexus people so well, they were as tapped as us.h34r:
Just think, I live in the States now. Be afraid...I know I have taken 3 showers so far and still feel 'dirty'.
That's only because we didn't use guildchat. :blink:oh yeah - 100%. I fit in with nexus as easily as I fit in with IIA. But guildchat just has never been the same since IIA.
That's only because we didn't use guildchat. :blink:
iscariot still plays swg, see him usually on the weekends.:blush: zomg if only Iscariot would now make a post slamming me I would feel at home... oh and Coors to heh.
iscariot still plays swg, see him usually on the weekends.
Buffalo is nice, and there's great food. Albany is the taint of New York.HAHA Gomi... well played. They already started to invade... cahnuuk moved to Buffalo (The taint of New York)
Buffalo is nice, and there's great food. Albany is the taint of New York.
Yeah, if you have been to both places, Albany is far worse. Buffalo is actually a friendly little town, even if you are wearing a Jets jersey to Rich Stadium. Meanwhile Albany has state capital, crime, and welfare, not much else.
Buffalo might have been the next best thing to two twin strippers in catholic school girl outfits sucking on lollypops but the second Cahnuuk invaded it became the Official "Taint" of New York...
Well that image made me useless for the rest of the work day. Thanks.
The mind of Huntress works like this 24/7... thank god the wife loves to Roleplay
Huntress sees double most of the time.Well, your wife is truly amazing if she can roleplay as TWO strippers dressed as catholic schoolgirls sucking on lollipops...that is truly inspiring.
Huntress sees double most of the time.