new movies coming out

Yeah, Fluffy is hard to please when it comes to cinema, but come on, this the same guy who tried to pass an iguana off as Godzilla, a fucking Iguana!!! That alone should mean death!!!

This is the same brain surgeon who did The 13th Floor. When people bitch about why there are so many "dumb" movies out, it is because people continue to see shit like that (and the most recent Will Ferrel movies). You pay to see "dumb" movies time after time, Hollywood will keep releasing dumb movies time after time. Growl.

Godzilla, Day after tomorow, and Independence day were all terrible movies to me as well... huge disappointments on what could have been great. And Will Ferrel stopped being funny after Anchorman in my opinion (his films after that had been pretty much stupid). 10,000 B.C. looks to be right on queue as a long list of disappointments after watching the trailers. I'll give it a watch though on DVD. Not sure what to make out of the new Terminator film. Has its time expired? Christian Bale is a good actor and can pull it off as a must see but it will be a challenge. He definately needs a better film after the disappointing 3:10 to Yuma.
Godzilla, Day after tomorow, and Independence day were all terrible movies to me as well... huge disappointments on what could have been great. And Will Ferrel stopped being funny after Anchorman in my opinion (his films after that had been pretty much stupid). 10,000 B.C. looks to be right on queue as a long list of disappointments after watching the trailers. I'll give it a watch though on DVD. Not sure what to make out of the new Terminator film. Has its time expired? Christian Bale is a good actor and can pull it off as a must see but it will be a challenge. He definately needs a better film after the disappointing 3:10 to Yuma.

Ferrel just starting doing the same exact character in too many movies now (for my tastes anyways). A support character in Old School, great. Starting to take the lead in Anchorman, still funny. Same Anchorman character, but with race cars (Talladega Nights), ice skating (Blades of Glory), and now basketball (Semi-Pro), enough...someone stop him already.

I'll say it again though, if you liked ID4, and Day After, you will probably like 10kBC, as for me, I think they are crap, and can safely avoid his movies.
Ultimo;177294He definately needs a better film after the disappointing 3:10 to Yuma.[/quote said:
dude are you kidding me 3:10 to yuma was sick as fuck and every movie bale has been in has been great even The Newsies and 10k BC was pretty good it could have been more epic but it was still epic...
I was disappointed in 3:10 to yuma due to the fact that Bale was portrayed as a weakling basically. I was under the impression he was going to be a badass. Other than that, I am a huge fan of Bale...American Pscycho is a classic.
By the way, for all of you 10kBC fans out there, this review will probably sum it up perfectly:

"If there’s a moment in this movie that’s original, I didn’t see it. But it can’t even steal properly. It’s like Apocalypto meets Stargate (the movie, not the TV show) with bits of Jurassic Park and Braveheart thrown in, cuz those were great movies, right? And yet somehow it’s all the absurd Chariots of the Gods stuff that ends up burning you with the stupid."

Yes, "burning you with the stupid"....perfect.
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!!!
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Eh, 10,000 BC was okay. Not wonderful, not grand, but okay. Plus the girl was hot, and the guy was hot. (Wow I sound like paris) Eh. It was like a latte without the espresso. Milky, but no energy.
By the way, for all of you 10kBC fans out there, this review will probably sum it up perfectly:

"If there’s a moment in this movie that’s original, I didn’t see it. But it can’t even steal properly. It’s like Apocalypto meets Stargate (the movie, not the TV show) with bits of Jurassic Park and Braveheart thrown in, cuz those were great movies, right? And yet somehow it’s all the absurd Chariots of the Gods stuff that ends up burning you with the stupid."

Yes, "burning you with the stupid"....perfect.
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!!!

Party pooper! :o :D
I was disappointed in 3:10 to yuma due to the fact that Bale was portrayed as a weakling basically. I was under the impression he was going to be a badass. Other than that, I am a huge fan of Bale...American Pscycho is a classic.

This is true, but he still went out like a bad ass at the end of the movie and yes American psycho is one of my favorite movies of all time..
Awesome Starship Troopers 3

What's cool is that is where Lucas and I got the name for the Roughneck Brotherhood (and Warriors). I liked the movie Brotherhood of the Wolf and he liked Rico's Roughnecks. Bada Bing!

Vix you're a poon. I miss your hawt voice though on vent
I can't wait to see Dark Knight either........but nothing compares to the fact that I'M GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA IN ORLANDO THIS YEAR!

The Viral campaign for The Dark Knight is back on. Believing to be building to a possible Two-Face picture.

The new Hulk trailer is out on Wed at MTV and others.

They say it's a Teaser Trailer. I think this movie will be better than the last. CGI has improved of course but the actors are better and the writers should have learnt from the last ones mistakes.
Hell Liv Tyler is in it! That's enough for me to :drool: over! :D

Think they've left it a bit late to market it though. They really need to push the info now so people know about it more.
yeah that is a cool ad but i dont know about the new hulk even though they're remaking it the first hulk sucked so much ass I fell asleep during the movie.
This Hulk should be better. More of a remake than a sequel.
Far better actors I think. Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, William Hurt (i think). Plus the CGI has got to be better the last poor effort.

Not a big Hulk fan either but Marvel movies are normally a fun watch.
yeah I enjoy all comic book movies but i hated hulk lol hopefully with Edward Norton this movie will be better but who knows Eric Bana is a good actor too and that movie was horrible.