
Already EVE is different than all those MMOs out there. I meant it, like SWG, which reinvented the wheel constantly over and over. EVE has a lot of potential as it goes. And if the Ambulatory Project is a success, the player will have at it's disposition a great tool to socialize instead of blowing one another. :p
EVE averages 30k+ online in the evenings....its gotta have way more than 50k subscriptions....

you still dont understand ..eve is not on the first chart because the first chart shows mmorpgs with less than 50k subscriptions ...if you look on the second chart youll see eve with about 110k on a nice steady rise
Yep yep, if you go to their site you see how many people are subscribed :p

As stated before, according to the charts, EVE is the only MMO to be steadily increasing in subscriptions besides WoW. All the others, whether big or small, are on a decreasing trend.
And well EVE has it's problems too, you can consider them bad if ya want. I think they are not as bad as SOE did.