Looking for (AoW) Members! (RedSeal,Dasani)

hehe if i come to emu remind me to teach a few tricks i saw you doing wrong in the video:P

LOL! i was lagging like a mofo in the video!! im gonna post the video of me dueling Odium too! fraps would run like a dream on current PCs now though, hopefully we can all get into something in the near future
higher quality video please!

u could read the names on the actual video but it was too big for youtube. either way, you should be able to tell who everyone is by their appearances!! u see zhorx come out at the end of the vid with the hammer lol
how big is the video maybe you can upload somewhere and we can dload it, it was a pain in the butt for me to watch it as my stupid country laws banned youtube.
how big is the video maybe you can upload somewhere and we can dload it, it was a pain in the butt for me to watch it as my stupid country laws banned youtube.

wow, how many times have I invited you to come live with me in the states! Can't even watch youtube for christ sake!
i will come there probably next year, then we can start to realize our plans of world domination hehe
you piece of shit nuka you cut me outta that picture lol, with my awesome wookiee armor.

lmfao, which one?? i only have a couple pics from SWG.. most of the originals got deleted a long time ago when i reformatted and forgot to back up the swg directory :(
the one with the hoodedone that wookie with the KEG tag is me you mother fucker cutting me ouit lol jk.

Thats my Vent. Vyco is my Name in vent if anyone ever wants to stop in and say whats up!