Long Time...No Talk


New member
Hey there, been a while. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing and helping to keep the site alive! As for me I recently got married and all those things my friends said, "you'll understand once you get married," I'm beginning to understand. Spent my honeymoon in London, which was a complete trip! Haven't been out of the US before, so it was an excursion for me and the wife. Things I learned in London...

  • Fly British Airways (except that one pompous ass Stewardess that argued with me over American customs)
  • Service takes...FOREVER!
  • Always cross in a crosswalk
  • If you're going to cross a street, damn well better commit to it and don't hesitate!
  • Piccadilly Circus is not really a circus, though it is extremely crazy
  • The Tube is the best way to travel during the week, but hell on the weekends
  • There seems to be a weird obsession with peas
  • English apparently love American music because that's all we heard
  • When the sign reads, "Do Not Walk on Grass", don't walk on the damn grass especially when you are at the Queens home...wouldn't believe the people that could care less about some respect...grrr
  • Apparently the word "Cheers" can also mean, piss off! In a polite kind of way
  • While I do love some sausage links...sausage patties guys, come on!
  • Baked beans are not breakfast
  • The English guy wanting a couple of pounds because he is looking for a hostel, isn't really looking for a hostel and the dumbass American you're trying to trick, isn't all that dumb...never try to pickpocket a former cop
  • People drink during their lunch hour (so jealous)
  • People drink out in the street in front of the pubs (again, jealous)
  • The English are as polite and as friendly as can be
ha, had no idea you were over here. hope you had a good time with the mrs

all your observations look about right apart from the cheers thing, which ive never heard of

also the general rule is the further away you come from london the nicer people are :p
ha, had no idea you were over here. hope you had a good time with the mrs

all your observations look about right apart from the cheers thing, which ive never heard of

also the general rule is the further away you come from london the nicer people are :p

Sorry Prod, if it were just me, I would have gathered up the posse, but the woman gave me strict instructions, no one is to join the honeymoon, not even weird internet buddies.

Ultimo, I understand your conversion van broke down and you're stuck driving the ice cream truck to pick up little kids?
Lol, actually funny story. We were staying that the Flemmings Mayfare on Half Moon St. We were checkin out on Sunday and the desk jockey there was talkin to me about how things must be, "hard in the States, well actually around the world." I said, yeah the recession has been pretty brutal in the US, but things look like they are on the uptick, although slow. He said, "no, I mean with Michael Jackson's death". The wife and I looked at him like...doooood, seriously?

He asked, "Is he not as respected in the US?" I said that he has his following and the wife said, "but he's more of a joke where we are." He just looked at us like we murdered the Queen. Unbelieveable.
Hehehe, Michael Jackson is huge in Europe. Anything from the 80s is, as a matter of fact. On of my friends in Greece flooded my facebook news feed with Michael Jackson status updates, tribute videos, news articles, quizzes, etc.

One of my best friends just arrived in London today. She'll be spending a week there, so I'll be sure to forward your tips to her! Congrats again on the marriage and welcome back!
Hehehe, Michael Jackson is huge in Europe. Anything from the 80s is, as a matter of fact. On of my friends in Greece flooded my facebook news feed with Michael Jackson status updates, tribute videos, news articles, quizzes, etc.

One of my best friends just arrived in London today. She'll be spending a week there, so I'll be sure to forward your tips to her! Congrats again on the marriage and welcome back!

I kid you not, we heard Ray Charles' "America, The Beautiful" in one restaurant and Sweet Home Alabama in another. I was like WTF?
I hate cops

I hate cops

"never try to pickpocket a former cop"

I hate cops. donut-sucking pigs. :mellow:
I like Jackson songs but I'm at my limit now.
Every station and tv show has been holding tributes. And hearing a Jacko song every 5 minutes is beginning to do my head in. :blink:

And yeah we do have a lot of US music playing. There's not too many decent UK songs out now I suppose. Plus the yanks throw a lot more money at the radio guys to play it.
Congrats on the marriage - is he cute?

I'm still waiting to hear back on the job (the reply monday was "no decisions have been made yet. Dear Lord, it's been 3 weeks since the 3rd face to face interview!)

We just got a kitten. Black fuzzy thing with green eyes that likes to cuddle and go ninja-kitten. As soon as my camera is up and running I'll have pics.

Mostly playing warcraft still. I've got a healing shaman and a hunter at 80. Now working on a paladin. Guild is going well.

Miss you and your TIMI'isms on a daily basis.

Congratulations on your marriage and your survival of London.

More fun facts about England...

  • Beer is for breakfast too.
  • Black pudding is fried blood.
  • The leading cause of death for Americans in the UK is looking left when crossing the street.
  • They would have traded the queen for Michael Jackson in a heartbeat.