Just returning the favor!The US has enough crap in it...did you really have to ship yours to us?
Lady Sovereign, a rapper from England who is actually pretty good but they hate her because she is a "chav"Who's that?
What's a wigger?Lady Sovereign, a rapper from England who is actually pretty good but they hate her because she is a "chav"
Chav in england = wigger in U.S.
What's a wigger?
Just cause it says I'm in california, doesn't mean I'm from here. *giggle*zomg
how to say this without offending anyone...
hrm picture a caucasian male or female with very african-american mannerisims
holy crap did i possibly make sense with that?
... in her songs she actually makes fun of rappers/black people and btw its englishRegardless shes a white [englsih] chick that thinks she's black....ergo...she's a no talent ass clown!
... in her songs she actually makes fun of rappers/black people and btw its english [/b]
... in her songs she actually makes fun of rappers/black people and btw its english
Regardless shes a white [englsih] chick that thinks she's black....ergo...she's a no talent ass clown!
so well said
hey Timi....................
charvs arent like wiggers. They are dirty scruffy lookin people who listen to rave music and have ugly ass girlfriends, they dress in the most ridiculous clothing and wear "soveriegns" and go round smashing bottles over peoples head like 30v1.
Ive been beat up by charvs (its charv, i dont care what londoners call em) a few times for no apparent reason.
IMO they are the scum of the earth.