How was your weekend?

:( I wish I could burn

Sunburn is probably one of the most painful experiences I've been through. Granted, I've not had a child, and the pain lasts for at most 24 hours, but when you are forced to be in clothes and in the sun...well...yeah.

It's literally like your skin is on fire when something touches it, or when you move.

Now I'm in the phase of it hurting, but itching. The pain isn't as constant, but when I move the wrong way it feels like someone is sticking a needle in a specific point and that needle has something that makes my skin itch. And forget itching the dry skin - if I do I scream.

All in all I'd rather go through the pain than dealing with a day where 6 hours of hard-nose-to-the-grindstone work means absolutely nothing because of 1 person. Instead tomorrow I get to work at the same pace and hope that they like the changes. My bosses reaction is "they're sensitive, just make sure to give them whatever they want whenever they want".

I want to smack something.
I wish I could go back to the weekend - sunburn and all.

I'm telling you I've had a horrific day.
Awww :hug:
I know how you feel. I don't get a tan easy, I get red and then a slight slight golden color, but it takes ages. I dont sunbath that much (gets me restless if nothing else), I usually spend time in the shadow where one gets a tad color, even if it takes longer, a lot healthier for your skin.

I've actually gotten a first degree burn damage over my whole body ones...this because I was stupid enough to go to a sunbed because I felt so grey in the face. After about 15 min I realized it was getting very very hot, warmer then normal. I stepped out, and I realized that the fans in the sunbed were broke :huh: In the evening it was off to the emergency...fever, first degree burn damage on my entire was horrible.
The softest and smoothest sheets felt like sandpaper and razors on my body...

Anyway, enough about me. Use aloevera cooling balm, it helps :)
Awww :hug:
I know how you feel. I don't get a tan easy, I get red and then a slight slight golden color, but it takes ages. I dont sunbath that much (gets me restless if nothing else), I usually spend time in the shadow where one gets a tad color, even if it takes longer, a lot healthier for your skin.

I've actually gotten a first degree burn damage over my whole body ones...this because I was stupid enough to go to a sunbed because I felt so grey in the face. After about 15 min I realized it was getting very very hot, warmer then normal. I stepped out, and I realized that the fans in the sunbed were broke :huh: In the evening it was off to the emergency...fever, first degree burn damage on my entire was horrible.
The softest and smoothest sheets felt like sandpaper and razors on my body...

Anyway, enough about me. Use aloevera cooling balm, it helps :)
:p I'm already golden. But then I'm out under the sun every weekend for at least 4 hours. ^_^
So unfair! :p
But I'm out every day, I love benig outside doing lots of stuff ^_^
Hehe, I dun burn as bad as Tiv's anymore.

When we started training on the estate, yes, I got burnt pretty badly. I was always scared of those people that like to say hi by placing a hand on yer shoulder or with a few pats on the back. :lol:

But then after a while of doing three days during the week and most weekends. I got used to it, so I dun look as white. A permanent golden ya could say. Of course during winter it lightens a bit, but I dun go all the way white like some of my peers.

Like Mooby, he turns white during the winter. And brownish during summer. Is like... "Do I know you?" :lol: