Heroes Season 3 - Villains

I had an interesting thought the other day. In some ways, I feel like this is a similar story to the Wizard of Oz. Some of the characters I don't have just yet squared away, but others I do.

The Cowardly Lion: I don't remember his name, but the guy that grows stronger off of other people's fears.
He feels fear himself.

The Tin Man: Mr. Patrelli
He has a cold heart, and his powers seem to reflect that. He takes in people's powers, which are really a reflection of the self they want to be. He takes their emotional "hearts" so to speak.

The Scarecrow: Syler
"If I only had a brain" says it all.

Glenda the Good Witch: Mrs. Patrelli
She sounds harsh, but she is trying to show the world she's a good person.

The Wizard: Suresh
He's trying to prove himself to the world, while hiding behind his monsterous self.

Dorothy: Hiro
He started on a journey to see a better world, and instead he's realizing he probably should have just stayed home.

Who do you think is who?
Are you kidding me? :lol:

I never caught that, but I definitely think you're on to something.

Pushing Daisies also has a Wizard of Oz thing going on. Quotes and references are thrown around all over the show. In fact, Kristin Chenoweth (who plays Olive in PD) was the original Glinda in Wicked.

It must be a Bryan Fuller thing. He's the creator of Pushing Daisies and was one of the creators and head writers for Heroes in Season 1.
It didn't add a lot to this week. It was really to explain about how Arthur was alive.
A lot of stuff gets a bit too much of a coincidence. Meredith causing the train crash Clare goes into. HRG starting Sylar off. They don't need to link everything!

We've never seen Sylar use Trevors power have we? Still I look forward to this every week. :cool:

I don't think he ever has. The question is whether he finished his examination of Trevor.

I agree it is far to contrived at this point almost.

We've not seen the agent that was training Meredith since either. Considering that Arthur, Peter and Sylar have similar abilities it isn't to far fetched that Meredith and Flint are related.

It begs how to defeat Arthur though if he can sense thoughts from another continent and stop them then its going to be practically impossible. The only way he'll die is if he's betrayed, which is most likely to come from Gabriel (Sylar).

Incidentally I was thinking he probably used Nikki's Strength to kill the precog, which he would have gotten from Peter.
they wont have done anything to hiro. people will whine too much. itll just be a vision of him seeing his future and he will wake up and instantly know what is happening and save the african dude and get out of there
they wont have done anything to hiro. people will whine too much. itll just be a vision of him seeing his future and he will wake up and instantly know what is happening and save the african dude and get out of there

That's possible, given that earlier they misled us when he 'killed' Ando. There may not be a way to save the precog, but he could save himself and Ando.
yep that agent guy has def been in it before. he was trying to get claire off bennett if i remember rightly and bennett turned his back on the company and killed him
yep that agent guy has def been in it before. he was trying to get claire off bennett if i remember rightly and bennett turned his back on the company and killed him
Mr. Bennett has some screwed ways of protecting his Claire. :o
I like Peter as well in some ways, he's a reluctant hero, him and Matt. I kinda hate Peter has lost his powers to Arthur, I hope he regains them somehow.
I wonder if they are all caught in a mental maze.

Some things just don't add up. Angela's prison looks more like Maury's work and as far as we saw Arthur did not absorb Maury's power. Also if I remember correctly she was trapped before he absorbed Adam's power and could walk.

We know Matt can fake deaths, why not Maury too. Given his age, and presumably greater experience with the power, Maury in essence could maintain it throughout and even over distance. If he trapped all their minds in the some sort of dreamscape.

What if the whole season is a lie so far. What if the real enemy isn't Arthur, perhaps its not even Arthur. He casually kills Maury rather than absorbing his powers...seems out of character. He chooses a different method of death....killing the precog by removing his head, reverting Hiro to 10 years of age mentally, he seems never surprised like Mr. Linderman that we know was Maury's work. His words are the same ones Linderman was using to convince Nathan to continue on.

He could have just blocked Maya and Peter's abilities with mental blocks to them. Then used mental illusions to make it look like he'd absorbed them.

The question would be why. He was always more a servant than a leader, so who is he working for. His partner would have to be Adam, otherwise why seemingly to remove Adam from the picture. Perhaps even Adam is the real mastermind having convinced Maury to work for him.

Anyway there are some inconsistency, either its a brilliant plot or shoddy writing.
That would ruin the show. Seriously. "It was all just a dream", what a hack plot device. It's even worse than time travel.

Let's not forget that Arthur has mental abilities, the full extent of which are not known. He's been interacting with specials for thirty years or more, and has likely gathered many abilities in that time.
That would ruin the show. Seriously. "It was all just a dream", what a hack plot device. It's even worse than time travel.

Let's not forget that Arthur has mental abilities, the full extent of which are not known. He's been interacting with specials for thirty years or more, and has likely gathered many abilities in that time.

That's a good point. It is possible he already had Maury's powers from someone else thus didn't need to absorb them.
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Is anyone else on Twitter? It's quite cool there are a few of them on there, and it's fun listening them talk about work and other life things.

No I'm not a stalker, it's just an interesting weird kind of thing. Also using it to push out my writing more too.
So the eclipse ending brought Claire and Sylar back to life.

Peter has the same ability or did, if it could bring them back from death, I wonder if Peter's powers are back and he just doesn't realize it yet. The question then would be would it only restore his original power or all the powers he lost.

Edit: Okay I've watched this part of it several times. How does Peter knock out a trained soldier with no training. He's never shown any propensity for martial training in the past. Never shown a record as a military person. Two things possible....either he increased the speed of the punch with the rifle butt to Daphne's speed and hasn't realized it, or was using Nikki's Strength. Least that's what I'm thinking or at least a theory.
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Or they just didn't think as hard as you do and just make it interesting :lol:

Peter got his powers taken away. The others had it turned off. Otherwise Hiro would have been normal also.