help me find video


Active member
There is a song that I can't remember, and it plays during one of the 2012 spider-man game trailers. I have searched and searched and can not find it.
The trailer starts in a darkened city and it plays backwards in slow motion for a little bit going through windows and around obstacles til you see spiderman then it plays in normal speed.
I was not aware that you were a Katy Perry fan.... does Rurry know this?
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You didn't know me as Triwa'an, so no dance you for. Also...
I wasn't talking to you.
Go away old man.

Nope.. I didn't know you as Triwa'an the dancer.... but the rest of the server did. Sloppy seconds isn't my style. And yes.. you were talking to me.. you replied to my comment to Avari but tell me to go away?...... silly girl! Are you old enough to drink yet or is that still in a couple of years? Most of us here are old now so come up with something a little more creative while the grown-ups are talking. Good to see you btw :cool:
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Oh to be young and dumb. I'm not going to hide the fact I made some unsavory decisions in my youth, but that is all in the past now. Wanna let go of the past and move on yet?

Way to over exaggerate.

I've never had any issue with you, so I don't understand why you feel the need to flame me at all really.
If you want to air out the dirty laundry, then by all means. I don't see why you feel the need to do so. I really don't when I have never done anything directly harmful to you. So yeah. Trolololol
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whoa what is going on here :o

I have no idea. I was just having a little fun with Avari and Lauren and someone took it personal. You guys have known me for a long time and you know that I have never been one to stir up drama. Usually I am too serious and busy trying to be a good leader so I guess when I do joke around, people don't know how to take it. I am one of the nice guys... or so I thought I was. Let me clarify this...

Avari, hopefully you knew I was joking with you. I actually thought the song was pretty cool. I have always had nothing but respect for you. You know that.

To Lauren.. what the hell is wrong with you? I was kidding around. Take a freaking joke. I even ended my reply by saying "it is good to see you btw". I don't even know what you did on triwaan. You have really blown me away here. I am assuming you flirted a lot by how personal you took my reply. Well guess what???.. I flirted a lot to. Hell, I was one of the biggest flirts on the server. Who freaking cares? I thought you knew me better than that. Well I apologize for offending you even though it was not my purpose. Sorry for the misunderstanding for what its worth.

Maybe it's just finally time for me to quietly leave this site and move on.
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text always bites harder then the spoken word you guys both prob read into it too hard it's all good sure everyone is fine today
lets just all get naked and have a party, natasa come to the batcave, everyone else go to fort haxxorz
I have no idea. I was just having a little fun with Avari and Lauren and someone took it personal. You guys have known me for a long time and you know that I have never been one to stir up drama. Usually I am too serious and busy trying to be a good leader so I guess when I do joke around, people don't know how to take it. I am one of the nice guys... or so I thought I was. Let me clarify this...

Avari, hopefully you knew I was joking with you. I actually thought the song was pretty cool. I have always had nothing but respect for you. You know that.

To Lauren.. what the hell is wrong with you? I was kidding around. Take a freaking joke. I even ended my reply by saying "it is good to see you btw". I don't even know what you did on triwaan. You have really blown me away here. I am assuming you flirted a lot by how personal you took my reply. Well guess what???.. I flirted a lot to. Hell, I was one of the biggest flirts on the server. Who freaking cares? I thought you knew me better than that. Well I apologize for offending you even though it was not my purpose. Sorry for the misunderstanding for what its worth.

Maybe it's just finally time for me to quietly leave this site and move on.

lol ultimo i agree we have all known each other for a long time :P some more than others, especially in this case! it all seemed like a misunderstanding in the first place, i just dont like to see drama when we're some of the last remaining people who remain in this community. we should be starting drama with like ahazians or corbantis people lol not amongst ourselves!

it was good to see you in cnet btw with those newbie clothes :P

so now we move onto avari.. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US ALL NAKED IN FORT HAXXOR?? have you gone mad??
Moving past this misunderstanding, apology accepted, and I'm sorry for "reading between the lines", but that joke was in poor taste, :P
Can we be friends again? No more drama. *hug*

Avari I'm going to roundhouse nut kick you, then proceed to blow up your gungan heads.

And that.... Is simply disturbing o.0