Heath Ledger Dead

There's no doubt Nicholson is a great actor, but I thought his performance as the Joker was terrible. I'm interested to see Heath Ledgers take on the character. Gotta agree with Stereo as far as this celebrity obsession horseshit that goes on in this sick fucking country, honestly, who gives a flying fuck. Heath Ledger dying has about 0 effect whatsoever on my life.
There's no doubt Nicholson is a great actor, but I thought his performance as the Joker was terrible. I'm interested to see Heath Ledgers take on the character. Gotta agree with Stereo as far as this celebrity obsession horseshit that goes on in this sick fucking country, honestly, who gives a flying fuck. Heath Ledger dying has about 0 effect whatsoever on my life.
The ones most affected would be his family, I feel sorry for them and for him.

If you don't give a damn, then don't say anything. Saying anything would be giving some percentage of care on the matter.