Heath Ledger Dead


The Dirty Smuggler/Agent
Poor Timi

The actor Heath Ledger was found dead this afternoon in an apartment building at 421 Broome Street in SoHo, according to the New York City police. Mr. Ledger was 28.
At 3:31 p.m., a masseuse arrived at Apartment 5A in the building for an appointment with Mr. Ledger, the police said. The masseuse was let in to the home by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Mr. Ledger’s bedroom. When no one answered, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found Mr. Ledger unconscious. They shook him, but he did not respond. They immediately called the authorities. The police said they did not suspect foul play and said they found pills near body.
Mr. Ledger, a native of Perth, Australia, won acclaim for his role as a co-star in “Brokeback Mountain”, a 2005 film. The film, based on a short story by Annie Proulx about two cowboys who fall in love, won critical acclaim. Reviewing the film in The New York Times, the critic Stephen Holden wrote, “Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn.”
Calls by The New York Times to Mara Buxbaum, a publicist for Mr. Ledger, and Steve Alexander, the actor’s agent, were not immediately returned this afternoon.
:o Man! I can't believe that!

He is the Joker in the new Batman film and big things could have come from that.
Wow, that's really surprising.

I actually liked him in the few films I saw. Hollywood claims another I suppose!
I was 100% shocked. I really liked Heath Ledger - most notably for 40 Days and 40 Nights and for the Movie based in medieval times he did with the same actress from 40 days/40Nights. Definitely a sad loss.
Oh you already posted it, I was just asking if it was timi who was obsessed with him in the happy bday timi thread. :P
I was 100% shocked. I really liked Heath Ledger - most notably for 40 Days and 40 Nights and for the Movie based in medieval times he did with the same actress from 40 days/40Nights. Definitely a sad loss.

He wasnt in 40 days and 40 nights, that was Josh Hartnett.

Though he did co-star with Shannyn Sossamon in The Order as well as A Knights Tale. ^_^
like him or not, its a shame that a 2 year old girl is now without a father.

I think its odd that everyone is screaming overdose. At first people said there where pills everywhere, then the police said he had bottled perscription drugs. It might of well been an overdose but who doesnt have at least 1 perscription laying around in the house these days. We will see i guess, just a shame that you see it in headlines, the dead dont get a fair chance.
Makes you wonder what's going to happen in Batman 3.

Heard Joker was going to possibly be in that one too, to help develop Two-Face....but guess Joker will have a limited role, if one at all now.

that is, if they even do a part 3. Who knows what time will tell, and who knows what will happen in TDK
Makes you wonder what's going to happen in Batman 3.

Heard Joker was going to possibly be in that one too, to help develop Two-Face....but guess Joker will have a limited role, if one at all now.

that is, if they even do a part 3. Who knows what time will tell, and who knows what will happen in TDK
Nah, they'll just replace him with another actor. Same as they've done with Batman himself so many times over the years. It's a shame though, I doubt their performance would be as good as Ledger's will be.

I agree with Dose too, I admired the guy's talent...but I'm sure a lot of people didn't like him. Regardless though, his daughter is now without a father and that's tragic indeed.
Meh, I didnt like his face, his movies or his fake american accent.

Personaly I LOVE when celebs die, makes my fucking day.

Thats what he gets for trying to be the joker, Nicholson > Queef any day of the week.

Good people die everyday and nobody says a peep, so the fuck what if some deuche that was in a few shitty movies kicks the bucket.
Meh, I didnt like his face, his movies or his fake american accent.

Personaly I LOVE when celebs die, makes my fucking day.

Thats what he gets for trying to be the joker, Nicholson > Queef any day of the week.

Good people die everyday and nobody says a peep, so the fuck what if some deuche that was in a few shitty movies kicks the bucket.
