I bitch and moan about modern games and their lack of ...well anything, but I am completely amazed with this game. I enjoyed the hell out of GTAIII, vice city was fun, san andreas brought some cool concepts, but I believe GTAIV finally nails the series on the head. It's like playing in a movie. The story is engaging and the Niko the anti-hero is one of the best characters to come around in a long time. Is the game perfect? Not by a long shot, but it's just so damn fun and the tongue 'n cheek humor is still there.

Although I thought I was the only one that had made this assumption a while ago, a lot of others have thought the same thing...

Behind Enemy Lines

Niko of GTA IV
that's funny as fuck because you can buy that exact outfit that guy in enemy lines has in the game
Pros: First people I get to kill are Albanians

Cons: Ragdoll physics is TOO ragdoll. Tapping someone shouldn't send their leg sprawling in the air above their head. Furthermore, when Niko is falling he just does a ragdoll freefall. No attempts are made for him to attempt to stabilize.
i have seen the game and dident like it that much. A few friends of mine said it wasent what it was hyped up to be. I dont think im going to buy it since my friends tend to complain about the controls, i guess ill stick to Halo 3 for now. One of my friends is a die hard fan (refused to play any game for the 10 days before it came out) and said on opening day it would sell more then halo 3, it dident do that so i have to wait until the first week is up to see if it sold more then halo 3 lol and only reason why it would is because it has more consoles to sell on so if it doubles halo 3 it would be obvious why. I though i'd just throw that little story in there :P
I believe Brucie is the "BOOM HEADSHOT!" guy. Haven't validated it, but his voice is almost uncanny.
OnA fans can pick out their XM radio show personalities all over the game, here's who I found

Opie: haven't found or heard yet.
Anthony: Pissweiser commercial singer
Lil Jimmy: Porn peddler during the Dimitri mission and guy on Just or Unjust on WKTT who plays Loot n Wank excessively.
Fez from Ron & Fez show: on WKTT
Patrice O'Neal as Fez's co-host
Steve: Fat white cop who wobbles when he walks.
Bob Kelly: haven't found yet.
Club Soda Kenny: Haven't found yet, but I think he reprises his role as Derek the Dodo from Vice City Stories
Interns and staff as random pedestrians.

Any OnA fans know where I can find the others?
i have seen the game and dident like it that much. A few friends of mine said it wasent what it was hyped up to be. I dont think im going to buy it since my friends tend to complain about the controls, i guess ill stick to Halo 3 for now. One of my friends is a die hard fan (refused to play any game for the 10 days before it came out) and said on opening day it would sell more then halo 3, it dident do that so i have to wait until the first week is up to see if it sold more then halo 3 lol and only reason why it would is because it has more consoles to sell on so if it doubles halo 3 it would be obvious why. I though i'd just throw that little story in there :P

Here's a little hint: Next time you tell a story, try to have a point to it. It makes it more interesting to everyone eho's listening to it.
Pros: First people I get to kill are Albanians

Cons: Ragdoll physics is TOO ragdoll. Tapping someone shouldn't send their leg sprawling in the air above their head. Furthermore, when Niko is falling he just does a ragdoll freefall. No attempts are made for him to attempt to stabilize.

Reading in too much into the game. I think the fact that piss poor car physics and ragdoll physics have just become a staple of the game. Personally if I didn't see it, I'd be let down. When I play a GTA game I expect the car to handle like a one eyed mule and when hit by a vehicle that my body will fling this way and that.
Timi has a point, a more realisitic GTA is kind of a moot point since one guy taking on Swat teams, shit loads of police officers, FBI agents, a helicopter, and the army all at once would never happen and if it did the guy would have to be Iron Man. :p

GTA is realisitic in it's stereotypes and vices though.
I wanna see if I can flood the Wanderhome forums with GTA discussion threads.

It would be alot more entertaining than reading football feild long paragraphs from deuche bags talking about statistics, shitty swg game mechanics and how to roleplay a imperial properly.
I was hoping they had fixed the shitty controls from the other game, still fun though, just a bit frustrating at times.
Here's a little hint: Next time you tell a story, try to have a point to it. It makes it more interesting to everyone eho's listening to it.

It does have a point. Most GTA IV fans think that it is gonna sell much better then halo 3 but yet on first day sales it dident beat halo 3, and as of tuesday if it doesent sell more copys. alot of people are freaking out over the game but alot of people dont like it ethir. theres always a point to something. you just have to think abit.
Game restores true glory to the series (thought Vice City was "ok", just could not get into San Andreas), reminds me of the whole awe of GTA3 originally did. Love it. just have to get my own copy instead of bumming off of my friend's machine.
Is it just me? Because I cannot for the life of me understand a damn word Little Jacob is saying.
Is it just me? Because I cannot for the life of me understand a damn word Little Jacob is saying.

/shout-like-an-Obama-bot: RACIST!

Sorry, just seeing your earlier post and this one together made me giggle.
Is it just me? Because I cannot for the life of me understand a damn word Little Jacob is saying.

It's ok, I can't understand what the hell Shannon Sharpe is saying whenever he opens his mouth during NFL game pre-game shows.
It does have a point. Most GTA IV fans think that it is gonna sell much better then halo 3 but yet on

first day sales it dident beat halo 3,

and as of tuesday if it doesent sell more copys. alot of people are freaking out over the game but alot of people dont like it ethir. theres always a point to something. you just have to think abit.

First-day sales for the game hit 3.6 million and tallied a staggering $310 million--nearly double Halo 3's $170 million day-one take and $10 million more than the sci-fi shooter's entire opening-week haul.

Halo 3 scores $300 million in first-week sales

GTAIV shatters records with $500M in week-one sales;title;2
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